Are You Sure?
When entering college not too many people exactly know what they want to pursue for the rest of their lives. College is said to help a person find a skill necessary to gain a well paying career and achieve well financial being. It is said to prepare you in your field of study to get you ready for the real world. Some people even switch majors a few times before graduating because they aren’t sure if they can see themselves getting a job with that degree major while other have decided before they even step on campus.
Natalie Vargas studies criminal justice at John Jay University and one day hopes to pursue a career as a detective for the NYPD. She seems to be very sure of herself since her plans for her future never switched. She told me ” In order to become a detective she has to become a police officer first.” She informed me that to be a cop a degree wasn’t always needed, but now they encourage the new generation to get their degrees. Natalie came into college knowing what she wanted to pursue and hasn’t looked back since. She went on to tell me ” My degree gets me closer to a higher salary compared to the cops with no college education.” College has prepared her for her future law enforcement and knows she’s picking the right major.
Fellow Mercy College student Daniel Ferguson didn’t always know what he wanted to study. He said ” Being in The Mercy College setting helped me decide that I needed/wanted to become a teacher. Mercy wasn’t his first choice school either. He is a transfer student from Iona College. Over his college career Daniel changed his major a couple times. First he was interested in becoming a psychology major, then dabbled in computer science, and is now a history/secondary education major. “College has helped me prepare for my future career by exposing me to new information.” Daniel always had a job even long before stepping on to a college campus. ” Since I had a job longer than I have been in college, I can confidently say that college after high school was my best option for higher pay.” He didn’t believe a person needed college to get a job but the position one gets won’t match their interests and potential. Even though he didn’t know what he wanted to be at first Mercy College has helped him figure it out.
Just like Daniel, Martina Barrionuevo also changed her major. She started off at Westchester Community College and then went on to graduate from SUNY Oneonta. At first she entered college wanting to be an interior designer, but then switched to fashion merchandising. She says ” I am currently an office administrator but eventually I want to get into event planning for fashion shows.” Martina says college has opened up the doors to networking and meeting the right people. “Having a bachelors degree gives you more options to apply for jobs since most great paying jobs require a degree.” She received everything she needed to learn in college, but “College should offer more courses on how to survive in real life like budgeting.”
Not everyone is sure at first when deciding how they want to spend the rest of their life. College can help a person find the solution to this problem. There are so many majors to choose from and the best place to network. Some people come in decided and others change there minds during the process. The moral of the story is to set a goal and achieve it no matter how long it may take. If you want to change your major go head just make sure next major is the one for you. You need to be sure of yourself especially if you want to survive in todays society.

Waheed is a 21 year old senior from New York who studies at Mercy College. He's majoring in journalism and broadcasting. One day he aspires to become a...