The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

Whats Your Number?

What’s Your Number?

Stephanie Gelsey, Impact Staff April 30, 2014

As of recently I came to realize that males and females are always so curious about each other’s sexual partner number. Assuming that this is an important question when it comes to sleeping with one...

Valentines Day, No Thank You.

Valentine’s Day, No Thank You.

Stephanie Gelsey, Impact Staff February 12, 2014

All things related to Valentine’s Day are annoying to me. I can’t stand pink, or red, or the combination of the two tied in a bow around a giant fluffy teddy bear that no one will be buying me. I hate...

Did Marius Have to Die?

Did Marius Have to Die?

Stephanie Gelsey, Impact Staff February 10, 2014

“We were open about it because we know the euthanasia was the right thing to do, if we’re serious about science, we can’t be led by emotion,” said by Bengt Holst, Copenhagen zoo’z scientific...

Why Is America in Love With The Celebrity Trainwreck?

Stephanie Gelsey, Impact Staff January 30, 2014

Can we please stop coddling celebrities when they act up? After this latest Justin Bieber scandal, two times for this brat, I have reached my breaking point with young celebrities acting like they can...

Drinking Is Fun When You Have Games To Play

Drinking Is Fun When You Have Games To Play

Stephanie Gelsey, Impact Staff November 21, 2013

Everyone is familiar with all the drinking games you are supposed to be playing in college, or out of college depending on how much you enjoy drinking. Beer pong, Flip cup, Kings, Power hour, Up the River...

Questions People Without Smartphones Hate

Questions People Without Smartphones Hate

Stephanie Gelsey, Impact Staff November 13, 2013

Everywhere you look these days, people have their heads down, and are not paying attention because their entire life is invested in a tiny box called a smartphone. I have never had the privilege of owning...

Typhoon Haiyan Creates Absolute Devastation

Typhoon Haiyan Creates Absolute Devastation

Stephanie Gelsey, Impact News Staff November 9, 2013

The Philippines, a country of about 97 million people, are all too familiar with devastating storms. Typhoon Haiyan, a category five, made landfall in the Philippines early Friday morning. With winds...

Jonathan Martin, Biggest Baby in the NFL

Jonathan Martin, Biggest Baby in the NFL

Stephanie Gelsey, Impact Staff November 7, 2013

As a woman, I enjoy football immensely. I love that 300 plus pound men are running at each other, ready to take someone’s head off in a display of intense masculinity and competitiveness. That is what...

What Happened to Fall Weather?

What Happened to Fall Weather?

Stephanie Gelsey, Impact Staff October 17, 2013

When I picture fall, I always see the same things; sweaters, boots, scarves, orange, red and brown crunchy leaf floors to walk on, chilly temperatures, and lots and lots of apple and pumpkin picking. But...

Why Peter Pan is a Creep

Why Peter Pan is a Creep

Stephanie Gelsey, Impact Staff September 26, 2013

Peter Pan, a beloved Disney character, is a creepy sinister pedophile. While a small child, I embraced all things Disney, and was excited at the thought of watching the films.  Then I grew up and realized...

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