The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

What A Shame Mr. President

What A Shame Mr. President

Carla Gradiz, Associate Editor March 13, 2024

Honduras ex-president Juan Orlando Hernandez, affectionately known as JOH, is currently in jail facing the consequences for his acts. He stands accused and has been found guilty of smuggling cocaine into...

Pill and Perplexity: My Journey Through Birth Control

Pill and Perplexity: My Journey Through Birth Control

Carla Gradiz, Associate Editor February 26, 2024

When I think back to when I was 18, it marked a significant turning point in my life, both mentally and physically. The me at 18 is barely recognizable compared to who I became at 21. But isn't life...

Broken Paths that Lead to Open Hearts

Broken Paths that Lead to Open Hearts

Carla Gradiz, Associate Editor January 31, 2024

Lies, sadness, shame, lack of empathy, narcissism, cheating, and more - they all form a toxic environment. It can infiltrate relationships or friendships because, let's not deny it, friends can be toxic...

A Mothers Unyielding Love

A Mother’s Unyielding Love

Carla Gradiz, Associate Editor December 17, 2023

I want to dedicate this to all the unsung heroes, the mothers who have weathered storms, their unwavering love, and a beacon guiding their children to life’s challenges. Mom, I owe my very essence...

Language : My Identity

Language : My Identity

Carla Gradiz, Impact Staff December 7, 2023

Language, the art of expressing oneself through words, has become my greatest passion. The intricate dance of written or spoken words captivates me, serving as the conduit for our thoughts and emotions....

A Call for Respect

A Call for Respect

Carla Gradiz, Impact Staff December 6, 2023

In today's world, the challenge lies in respecting one another's opinions. Struggling with the difficulties of accepting diverse beliefs is one of the most significant tasks. I've become acutely aware...

Relationships: Bridges of the Heart

Relationships: Bridges of the Heart

Carla Gradiz, Impact Staff November 28, 2023

Discovering the intricacies of love is like trying to catch the essence of a fleeting moment, especially when it’s an intimate connection shared between just two souls. In the dance of our love story,...

Beyond the Fabric: A Page from My Diary

Beyond the Fabric: A Page from My Diary

Carla Gradiz, Impact Staff November 12, 2023

As I stroll through Mercy's corridors, I find myself drawn to observing the ladies' attire, often trying to decipher their moods based on their outfits. I Admit it. I'm an observer. Sweats, an oversized...

NYC Subway: The Jungle

NYC Subway: The Jungle

Carla Gradiz, Impact Staff October 9, 2023

I have resided in this bustling metropolis for over a year and a half now, and each subway ride unveils a series of captivating encounters. On most occasions, particularly when I find myself traveling...

No Place I Can Call Home

No Place I Can Call Home

Carla Gradiz, Impact Staff September 27, 2023

It was April 30, 2021. The day I stepped onto a plane and left my country, my parents, my life - practically everything I had. That was 880 days ago. Over 880 days in which I haven’t had a place I...

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