A Mother’s Love
A mother’s love is pure and genuine, it’s a love like no other. Most people like to show their mothers appreciation on just one day each year, that day being mother’s day, but during this hard time when one may feel alone, I want to show my mother how much I appreciate her.
Dear Momma,
I don’t think I can ever thank you enough for all you have done for me over these past years, your love doesn’t go unappreciated.
Your cooking is the best, there is nothing else like it. Your presence makes me feel warm and safe.
I know I’ll always be your baby girl and you’ll always protect me.
You’ll always be my number one and I’ll always protect you.
I can’t even begin to think about what my life would be like without you. Every accomplishment I make, you’re the first person I want to run and tell.
You’re my best friend and you always have been. From your posts about me on your Facebook saying how proud you are of me, to when you comfort me at times when life becomes a little too hard to handle. You always make things feel easier, you always make me feel like I can do anything.
I know things have been different and you may think I’m pushing you away, but I can never push you away. You’re one of the reasons why I get up and work as hard as I do.
I promise you I’m going to get you that house with the island in the kitchen that you always wanted.
I promise you’re gonna see me on TV one day and tell everyone “that’s my daughter.”
I promise to continue making you proud.
Thank you for loving me unconditionally even when I couldn’t see it.
Thank you for being so overprotective of me growing up, you were right, now that I’m older – I get it.
I know I hated it then, but I’m glad that you were like that, I’m sorry for giving you such a hard time and not being honest with you. I’m sure my future daughter will get back at me for it.
Thank you for showing me what real love feels like. A mother’s love is the best love, not what society paints it to be.
Thank you for taking care of me on my very sick days, thank you for kissing my booboos when I fell, thank you for letting me sleep in your bed when I swore there were monsters under mine, thank you for attending my graduations.
Thank you for showing me grace when I didn’t deserve it. I guess sometimes it’s easier for me to take my frustrations out on you because you love me limitlessly and unconditionally.
There were times when I was a total brat. I was rude, selfish, and insensitive to your feelings. Yet you were never insensitive to mine, you love me anyway, and for that, I am forever grateful.
Thank you for making all the sacrifices you’ve made to make sure I would have a good life. You did your absolute best and I am proud to call you my mother.
Thank you for always believing in me.
Sometimes life isn’t fair and it can really kick you in the ass. Life has been difficult for us and there have been times when I’ve felt like giving up because things were not going my way, but you’ve always been there to remind me of my worth.
You encourage me to keep reaching for the unreachable and never settle for anything less than I deserve.
No matter how bizarre my dreams were, from becoming a teacher or a nurse or a singer or a journalist, you always told me to go after what would make me happy, because if I’m happy, you’re happy.
When I came home that day from school and told you I wanted to attend Harvard University one day, just so you know, everyone else I told thought I was crazy and said it’ll never happen, but you – you cried.
You cried because you were so proud that I wanted to go to college, you didn’t have to ask me to go, you didn’t force me to go. I wanted to go for you, and I will finish for you.
You may not have finished school, but at least your baby girl will. To me, that is better than a piece of paper because you accomplished something bigger, raising four kids by yourself.
No matter where I choose to go, I know I’ll always have your support, so thank you.
Lastly thank you for being you. You are loud, crazy, a clean freak, and super overprotective, but you are you, unapologetically.
I admire you, Mom, and I love you, always.
Your baby girl, Amber

Amber Perez is half Puerto Rican and half Italian. She is currently residing at The Bronx, New York and enjoys listening to music and reading books about...