Things that Have Happened in 2016

Britney Hoobraj, Staff Writer

With 2017 around the corner, 2016 was a frightening year. Within twelve months, many famous people died, the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, and the United States election.

In January (which is my birthday month, yay!), instead of bringing in the new year to become positive, it started out being a negative one. One of my favorite character from Harry Potter, Professor Snape, who is played by, Alan Rickman, died. David Bowie, the singer, songwriter, passes away too.  New York received about 30 inches of snow. (I adore snow.)

In February, we lost author, Harper Lee. Super Bowl 50 took place. Leonardo DiCaprio finally won his first Oscar for ‘The Revenant.’ (Finally!) The Presidential nomination was going on throughout. Jeb Bush dropped out the race.

In March, according to Forbes, Bill Gates is the richest man. United States astronaut, Scott Kelly returns to earth from spending about 340 days in space. Peyton Manning announced his retirement. President Barack Obama, visited Cuba, making him the first United States president to do so. Maria Sharapova failed her drug test making her unable to play tennis. Nancy Reagan passed away at the age of 94. There were three coordinated bombings in Brussels, Belgium leaving 250 injured and 32 dead.

In April, ICC World Twenty20, the cricket match won by the West Indies, the cricket team, beating at England by 4 wickets with 2 balls to spare. San Francisco (one of my favorite cities) created a law which mandates paid parental leave, making them the first city to do so. Beyonce released her 6th album entitled, ‘Lemonade,’ which aired on HBO. Prince passed away at the age of 57.

In May, Harambe was shot by Cincinnati Zoo because a young boy who slipped away from his parents ended up into Harambe’s exhibit.

In June, President Barack Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton as Presidential nominee. The US Open was on its way. ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,’ premiered in London. A gunman shoots 49 people and injures 53 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida making it the worst mass shooting in the United States. British Prime Minister, David Cameron leaves after the United Kingdom votes to leave the European Union (EU). Muhammad Ali, the world heavyweight boxer, passes away at the age of 74.

In July, the FBI releases a report on Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. NASA’s Juno successfully enters Jupiter’s orbit. Two African American’s, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile who were both shot by police officers were filmed and put online. Pokemon Go was released and put every player into a frenzy. Bernie Sanders endorsed Presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. Theresa May replaces David Cameron and she becomes the new British Prime Minister. Republican, Donald Trump announces that Mike Pence will become running nominee for Vice President. Democrat, Hillary Clinton also announces that Tim Kaine will become running nominee for Vice President. Elie Wiesel, an Auschwitz survivor and author of Night, passed away at the age of 87.

In August, on the 5th, the Olympics opened in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Olympic swimmer, Michael Phelps, officially ends his career with twenty-three olympic gold medals. The olympics officially closed on August 21. (So sad that we have to wait 4 more years for the next one). In Rome, there was a 6.2 magnitude earthquake which left 400 injured and killed 268 people.

In September, the 2016 Paralympics took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A bombing attack took place in New York City and injures about 29 people. The first Presidential Debate took place between the two nominee’s, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. A police officer named, Betty Shelby was charged with manslaughter for shooting unarmed African American, Terence Crutcher. Hurricane Matthew killed over 1,000 people in Haiti, the Caribbean, and in the United States.

In October, a video is released of Donald Trump groping and kissing females without their consent. The second Presidential Debate takes place between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. In Yemen, 140 people were killed in an airstrike during a wake. Bob Dylan, singer and songwriter, received a Nobel Peace price in Literature. James Charles, becomes the first male face for the makeup, Covergirl. The White House came out and said that they are confident that Russia was behind the email hacking and attempt to take control of the United State elections.

In November, the election took place and Donald Trump is currently the President-Elect. Fidel Castro passes away at the age of 90. Hamilton sets new record for most money earned in a week on Broadway which is, $3.3 million.

In December, a fire during a dance party Oakland, California warehouse kills 36 people. The United States  decides on not allowing an oil pipeline to be built in North Dakota, after months of protests by The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. (yay!) Amazon announces its 1st delivery by drone from their warehouse in the United Kingdom. Dylann Roof was founded guilty of the Charleston Church Massacre where he killed 9 innocent people. A Russian ambassador was shot dead at an art gallery in Ankara by Turkish gunman. John Glenn, the first astronaut to orbit earth dies at the age of 95. Alan Thicke, the actor, who was on the TV show, Growing Pains, dies at the age of 69.

Let’s hope that 2017 starts off better and ends in a good way. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!