Tips on Maintaining a Vegan Diet in College

Completely changing something in your life to benefit yourself is a huge and difficult task. So, when my good friend explained to me that she was considering going vegan, I was a little shocked.

Why the sudden change?

She had valid reasons for wanting to change her diet, but her main reasoning was because she just wanted to try something new. I completely respect and support her decision on trying something new. It isn’t easy completely changing your lifestyle and eating habits, especially when one attempts to go vegan.

Especially if you’re deciding to become a vegan while in college.

Although she goes to a well-known university with plenty of different food options, she’s going to figure out the food she can and cannot eat. Maintaining a healthy diet in college is a pretty difficult task to manage. Add a vegan diet in the mix and it can be nearly impossible.

What most people don’t understand is going vegan isn’t an easy task. It takes detective work to figure out what you can and cannot consume. Plus, finding the right nutrients to remain healthy without eating or using any type of animal based products can be a difficult task.

Even though I personally wouldn’t pursue a vegan diet, I admire those who do. It truly takes a lot of hard work and effort to take on a vegan diet.

I’m no expert on the vegan diet, I just have a few friends who are vegan. Watching them cook and helping them research what they can and cannot eat was difficult. But, their determination to stick to this diet overcame all of that. So, if you’re thinking about becoming a dietary vegan or just want to try it out, here are some tips to keep in mind while you explore the world of veganism:

1. It can be pricey- Everything comes at a cost, especially when it comes to buying all that organic and non-animal based food! As a vegan, you’ll have to really look into the products you buy as well as the price. If you’re living on a college budget, this will be a bit difficult. Try to find some food that will give you some type of nutritional value without breaking the bank!

2. There’s limited choices- Although many colleges/universities have a lot of different types of food options, Mercy doesn’t. If you’re a student who dorms, it’s certain that you have a meal plan and eat in the cafeteria often. It’s going to be quite the challenge maintaining a vegan diet while consuming Mercy food, especially since there aren’t many options to begin with. Always ask the person what your veggies or food were cooked in, so you don’t have to feel so bad about eating it later.

3. Nutritional value- Like all diets, if it’s not done properly, it can be harmful to the body. If you consider a vegan diet, make sure you are getting all the nutrients your body needs to be healthy. Those who don’t follow the vegan diet properly can suffer hair loss and discolored skin.

4. Watch what you drink- A night out with friends at a bar can actually ruin your vegan diet. Some beers and other alcoholic beverages can be filtered using egg whites or sea shells, a big red light in a vegan diet. Before buying a beer or any type of alcoholic beverage, look at the nutrition facts on the bottle.

5. Cooking- You may know how to cook now, but cooking as a vegan is completely different. Because you can’t use certain types of food to cook, look up different recipes online to get you started. These recipes can also give you the right amounts of nutrients to keep your body healthy.

Veganism isn’t easy. It takes a strong mindset and a lot of determination to stick to a diet like this. To those of you who have been vegans for a while: I applaud your strength and dedication. For those of you just starting out or just want to just give the diet a try, I wish you the best of luck. Cheers to a healthy lifestyle!