Experiences, New Beginnings

Recently I have been losing my mind with everything going on in my life. For the past two weeks, traffic has been hectic making me go insane and just wanting to quit everything. I get asked every time either at work or school where I live and when I tell them they think I’m crazy. At first, I would feel insulted because they do not see it as hard work but now, three years later, I am starting to question if commuting was the smartest choice or if I should have gone a different route.
I stopped getting somewhat of a college experience because if I am not at school then I am at my internship or work and the only free time I do have is for remote work that has to get done. Especially my last year as a senior, it has been overwhelming because everyone expects for you to have it all figured out and it’s not as simple.
I want to share this experience because it has become mentally draining and I do not know who I can speak to about this since not everyone can relate. So I decided why not write about it.
I know Mercy has several students who are going through the same struggle. Most of my classmates in my major course have to do work remotely and though it can be more challenging, it’s great to be around people who actually get it and I think that is what I have loved about Mercy and has kept my feet on the ground.
Still, I believe I lost much of my college years because I had to grow up quickly with responsibilities. I think back to my high school years and wish I did appreciate things that were occurring at the moment.
As humans, we tend to complain about things happening at the moment without noticing how blessed we are to be living. Throughout the past few years, I have started to see things in a different perspective and have learned not dwell on things because it’s not good for the mindset. With having a crazy schedule, I still appreciate every moment I can because I have done so much to be where I am now.
Having this type of mindset has worked very well for me and I think it has kept me sane throughout this rollercoaster. It has helped me gain more peace within myself and that is the most challenging thing about being a human. We get so caught up in our own little world that we do not stop to evaluate the choices we make but it’s never too late to start.
I will start a new chapter and will have those days where I want to lose my mind and I wish things could be simple but that’s the thing about life, it’s an experience of ups and downs. There will always be surprises along the way and it’s about living it because you want to look back and say that you’ve enjoyed the moments that were given.

Sandra Romero is a senior majoring in Communication Studies with a specialization in Public Relations. She is taking on many projects to end her college...