Welcome Back!

Hello Everyone!

From everyone here at Quail-tea new (me, myself, and I), I would like to welcome every student and staff member back for the 2021 spring semester!

I am interested to know how everyone’s month off was and many (if any) events that have taken place in 30 days that have passed. In the meantime, I will catch everyone up on the current events in my life.

I spent yet another Christmas single in New York which is “fun” and I also dealt with the traditional family drama that always seems to take place during the holidays. While I was relieved that the Fall 2020 semester was over, I became sad thinking of all the missed moments that took place such as never stepping foot in a classroom in any of the campuses and not seeing my favorite professors in person for the majority of the 2020 year. The Fall was also the last time I would take any of my electives classes, which was bittersweet since I no longer had to take awkward classes I hated (Criminal Court, Mathematics electives to name a few), but also because I made many friends in my former classes and I am nervous that I wouldn’t be able to make as many connections in my future classes due to not being in the classroom. Either way, I am excited to be taking more of my major classes since I love to write and now I have more of an opportunity to do so on a consistent basis.

Other than school, the majority of my break consisted of focusing on my mental and physical health and taking care of my pets. I celebrated two major birthdays over the break with the first being my handsome man’s (Jackson Alexander Rockwell Guzman) birthday.

In all honesty, no one knows for a fact when Jackson’s birthday is (since we rescued him ourselves when he was a baby) but I have taken the liberty to place his birthday on December 25th since that is the best day of the year. I brought him a new shampoo, treats, and lots of kisses and hugs which I assume he greatly appreciated. However, I was the only one who remembered his birthday as everyone in my household was very confused when they woke up to balloons, confetti, and cat treats scattered throughout the house. Past Britney was very offended by everyone’s lack of appreciation for Jackson’s birthday and screamed at everyone individually for not remembering his special day.

The second birthday came on January 17th and belongs to my dog Milo who celebrated his second birthday. I don’t discuss Milo a lot since he officially belongs to my sister now and I’ve always been more of a cat person, but I still love him regardless.

Those are the only events worth any significance that occurred over the break. In more recent news, it seems like everyone I know has decided that now is the perfect time to go on vacations such as my sister is currently in Florida for a trip, my cousin just did a United States road trip that ended in California and one of my friends is planning a trip to Greece for her upcoming birthday. I am not sure whether to be confused or offended by their actions since we are in the middle of a global pandemic and even though the airlines are cheap, they are still risky and we are not out of the woods yet with the pandemic. All I know is if you want to see me, I need to see a recently negative COVID-19 test and need to wear at least two masks before coming in contact with me.

I would like to end this post by wishing everyone a successful and more enjoyable semester and new year! Even though I am sad that this is yet another year of being older, I am just happy that the terror that was 2020 is over with and (hopefully) better days are up ahead.

2021 can’t be as bad as 2020 right?! let’s hope not!

I understand that times are still tough but as long as we keep our heads held high and our fevers low, no one will be able to stop our shine!