So it was a calm summer day at my job, and I was best friends and in a situation-ship with one of my co workers Alexis. Now Alexis was a really messed up girl, one who didn’t mind insulting other co-workers behind their back, but I didn’t mind being cool with her because she kept me company when I was bored, and she kept me grounded and focused on the job. Alexis used to talk trash about other co-workers to me, including ones I was cool with and friendly with, especially this one kid named Jeffrey.
Now Jeffrey was a nice kid, I knew him a bit, a tall 17-year-old high schooler who was working his first job at the store.
I got to know Jeffrey a bit, and he seemed nice, and I didn’t get why Alexis didn’t like him at all. She would complain Jeffrey is slow, Jeffrey doesn’t know how to do anything and whatnot, but he seemed just like a kid who was learning to me. Jeffrey had an older sister who was starting the next day, who Alexis had seen come in for orientation. Alexis told me about this and said “Kris, I don’t want you talking to Jeffrey’s sister” and “please, don’t replace me with Jeffrey’s sister” that day, thinking I was going to talk to her.
I foolishly said “I’m not going to talk to her, I would never replace you, Alexis.”
Then two days later, as I came in to punch in to work, and saw this really pretty girl. She had a beautiful face and nice features, but for some reason she stood out to me. I’d never seen anyone that beautiful before, and I approached her and asked if she was new. I already new she waas.
“Yes, my name is Jessica. I’m Jeffrey’s sister.
The first thing I told her was, “Really, I don’t see the resemblance. I’m shocked about that.”
Because you know, I don’t really think his sister is anything like him, but right away, I was amazed on how she looked and how nice and open she was with me. So, over the course of the next few weeks, I started training with Jessica and teaching her everything on the job.
Over the time I trained her, I realized we actually had a lot in common and really started wanting to talk to her. It shocked me how much I really liked this girl, as I’ve never met someone as pretty but had as much in common with me as a person before, and I long to get to know her more. At the same time, I start having a lot of different issues with Alexis. Alexis started ranting to me about random nonsense, like how much she “hated” I watched football among other things, and it’s very hard to connect with her on anything. Her birthday passed in mid-September and I didn’t hang out with her for it, and refused to do anything, and she got really mad. She started talking to another co-worker named Juan, and flexed that in my face because I didn’t do anything for her birthday. But it was because the whole time I felt Alexis was ungrateful to me for not taking things more seriously and I felt more of a connection overall with Jessica. So one Thursday, Jessica asked me for my number, and I gave it to her and start texting. We start texting everyday, and a few days after, Alexis blows up with me and starts dating Juan.
Now Alexis made a whole scene at work because she claimed that I told lies about her to Jessica, which was never true, I just told her she hated her brother and Jessica and some of his friends that work there, and she got mad and tried to get management to fire me. I didn’t break any rules, I just told people the truth on how she felt about them, and she was mad they found out. So now Alexis had been out to get me every shift, and Jessica had been texting me every day. I tried to move into a relationship with Jessica a few times, but it seemed like she didn’t want to move fast so I just kept it as friends. Meanwhile, Alexis kept trying to do certain things to have me crash out at the job, such as acting out or acting dumb when she was around, and the managers had to speak to both of us.
So all of this went on till early December, and I finally built up the courage to officially ask Jessica out. So I did, and kept it simple like “hey do you wanna hang out outside of work, and go to a restaurant and catch a movie” and right away she agreed to me doing that. Meanwhile, Alexis was catching on to the fact me and Jessica were talking and she was starting to get jealous because she was having major issues with her man Juan. Juan apparently wasn’t treating her right, starting arguments, and she missed the way I used to be, and she was jealous because I was doing all this nice stuff for Jessica like buying her food and helping with her work.
So she crashed out and tried to get me back one day to no avail, and I am now ending up dating Jess, and she is the nicest person I have ever met. I just hope everything goes to plan with her, and I can build a future, but it feels like the last three months have been my greatest three, meeting the love of my life.