The Time I Thought I was Going to Meet Drake

On Friday April 29, tickets went on sale for Drake’s Summer Sixteen tour, and I was determined to get them.
Drake is my favorite artist of all time and I’ve been dying to see him in concert for years now, but I’ve never been able to snag tickets. But this time, I wasn’t letting them slip from my grasp.
So when he announced he’d be going on tour, I had to start strategizing. My first thought was presale. So I looked online and of course you needed an AMEX card for presale – which I didn’t have. So now I’m thinking my only option is to be on Ticketmaster at exactly 10:00am when they go on sale.
Problem with this was that I was scheduled to work 9-5 that day. So I nicely explained to my boss the situation and he graciously agreed to let me be unbothered on one of the computers at exactly 10 that morning.
So the time comes; it’s 9:58, I’ve got 7 tabs open, and I’m watching the countdown clock on ticketmaster… 5 4 3 2 1… GO!
I frantically open each tab and hit the find tickets button. And of course each tab is taking forever to load and says “searching… searching… searching…”
After a few minutes, each tab loads and displays across the screen: “Sorry the tickets you have requested are unavailable.”
So at this point I’m freaking out, and I’ve even got one of my co-workers on the other computer trying to help me out. And still, nothing is working.
Then my phone rings, and it’s my best friend telling me she’s not having any luck finding us tickets either. And at this point I’m pissed. Again, another missed opportunity at seeing my Champagnepapi.
When all of a sudden my phone rings and it’s my best friend again. She told me she was just on the phone with one of her friends who got her hands on meet and greet tickets for the Philadelphia show, and that she’ll get them but if we want them we have to let her know right away. So my first and only question is how much are they? Cause I’m thinking if they’re meet and greet tickets for Drake they must be at least 1,000. But to my surprise my friend told me they were only $466.
I’m thinking that’s too good to be true, and Philadelphia is just a liiiitle further than I wanted to travel, and $466 is just a liiiitle more than I wanted to spend.
But at this point I don’t really give a fuck because it’s the only option I have and the only thing better than seeing Drake in concert is seeing Drake in concert AND getting to meet him. And for that price I figured it was a good deal. So I’m like what the hell let’s go for it, I’ll just pick up some extra shifts at work.
I hang up with her, then she calls me back 5 minutes later to let me know we’ve got the tickets and I’m on cloud 9. We’re freaking out on the phone screaming, and I’m causing a scene at work, and by this point I’ve rubbed it in all my co-workers faces that I’m going to meet Drake.
I just can’t believe it. All I wanted were tickets to be able to see him perform and now I was actually going to have the chance to meet him. What would I wear? What would I say to him? Would I be able to say anything to him??
I was beyond excited.
It’s about 7:00 now and I’m home from work, when I get a text from my best friend showing me the order confirmation for the tickets. So I’m looking through because it tells us exactly all the cool perks we get with the package and I read “reserved seats in the first 15 rows” awesome. “early VIP access to the venue” awesome. “one on one meet and greet with Future” not awesome.
Future?! What about Drake? I thought I was meeting Drake!!!
In all the excitement I completely forgot Future was even going on tour with Drake. This is bullshit. So I bring it to the attention of my friends, and we all start freaking out.
Our dumbasses were SO excited when we saw the word meet and greet that we didn’t check the fine print for who’s meet and greet we were actually going to.
But on the Bright-side, we still have floor seats to the concert, and whether I liked him or not I was going to meet Future. Which will be a cool story to tell people. I guess.
But it was just kind of a letdown because I got myself all hyped up about meeting Drake, only to find out I wasn’t… I knew it was too good to be true. Just out of curiosity, I looked up how much meet greet tickets for Drake actually are and they’re almost $2,000.
What kind of person has $2,000 lying around to meet Drake?!
Oh well. Maybe one day when I’m rich I’ll finally get the chance to meet him.
Wait for me, Champagnepapi.

Brittany Lee hails from Cortlandt Manor and attends Mercy College as a journalism major. Her hobbies include reading, writing, sleeping, Netflix, and enjoying...