A Letter to My Grandfather

April 28, 2016
Dear Grandpa,
From the time I was young up until now you have always been there for me. Whether it was to walk me to school or get me out of trouble you was still there. Everyone says a girl’s first love is supposed to be her dad but you changed the game when you filled the void that he couldn’t. You showed me how a woman should be treated.
As a child we learn things like how to tie our shoes, you taught me that. We learn how to whistle you taught me that too. I remember when I was 6 and I wanted a pair of skates. You went out and bought them so when I came upstairs from school you put them on me and took me outside so that I could learn how to skate in them.
I remember our walks to school in the mornings. Since mommy had to get to work early you would pick me up and walk me to school and we would talk about anything and everything until we got there. You took me to my first baseball game. Although I hate sports you took me because I had never been to Yankee stadium. I definitely wanted to go because I knew I would get to spend the whole day with you.
You never forgot a birthday always being the first person to call me on your way to the store in the morning. You taught me how to play your number and always made sure to tell me I was beautiful in every way. The things that my father was supposed to do with me and teach me you did.
When I first heard you were diagnosed with cancer I didn’t know what to do or how to feel. I knew I just had to be strong for you. Since you found out not once have you given up. You fight through it. You have your good and bad days but more good than bad. Every time we speak you seem like you’re excited to speak to me. The conversation we had the other day excited me being that you sounded to be at your best.
A lot of my friends don’t have their grandparents and I’m so lucky not only to have you but to also have spent time with you. I thank you for being there no matter what. Although you can’t be there when I graduate I’m happy that you still count down with me. You helped mold me into the person I am today.
Throughout your journey I learned to appreciate you even more because every day isn’t promised. I call you every day now just to see how you’re feeling. I can’t wait to come visit just to spend time with you before you have to undergo your surgery.
I thank you for being the male figure in my life and teaching me everything my dad didn’t. Thank you for making sure I’m OK even though the focus should be on you. Thank you for being the best grandfather a girl could ask for. Just thank you for everything
Love Always,