To Shave Or Not To Shave

November is the second to last month of the year where many are getting into the holiday spirit. It is also the time of year where girls are rocking their basic outfits: Uggs, North Face jacket, and the black jeggings to show off their booty.
Men are no different, they rock the Timberland boots, hoodie and grey sweatpants. Many people may enjoy the view of the eggplant or disappointment of the Tic Tac shape view.
The change of fashion is always trending during the fall, but hair is also trending for a good 30 days.
It will be one hairy month because it’s also that time of month where men, surprisingly women too, put down their shaving cream and razors to let their hair grow.
Some men let their facial hair grow out and look like David Beckham, but if it grows out a little too much, it might make them look like a homeless bum or like Chris Stapelton.
That’s right, it’s No Shave November.
Just like, Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, November is an extension of it. This month is to bring awareness to various kinds of cancer. Many people don’t know the meaning behind of No Shave November.
Many participants show their awareness by not shaving for an entire month and embrace their crazy, or smooth facial hair. Participants donate the amount of money spent on facial grooming for a month to cancer facilities.
I’ve been an active participant ever since I hit puberty at the age of 12, and I have yet to grow full facial hair. My face has always been somewhat of a naked face.
Ever since I have been a teenager, I was never able to grow out a full beer or mustache. I’ve seen many young kids with more facial hair than me, a 22-year-old.
Even the young kids in Mexico have a fuller mustache than me. They must have started puberty very early or must have some strong genes. Damn them!
The only time where I actually got to experience a face full of hair was during Halloween where I dressed up as a werewolf and the time I played Joseph for a Christmas Pageant at the age of nine.
Deep down, I am sometimes envious of those with facial hair. It’s one of the manly characteristics and it makes one look much more masculine and tougher which is I something will forever lack of and will never experience.
Well not really.
I have five loose strings hanging on my chin. I used to have 15 strings of hair until my job made me cut it off. Apparently, facial hair is not a professional look for a gas station appearance. *Rolls eyes*
They made me get rid of the goatee that was in the making. But one thing they will not make me get rid of, is my mustache.
How many strands of hair? 35!
Yes, I am close to having a full mustache. Now I need to grow 1,000 more so I can look like my great uncle El Chapo or like Pablo Escobar.
Many people don’t look that bad with full facial hair. It fits their style and personality.
They get to comb their luscious beard with a fancy comb and creating an epic mustache style such as the handle bar or the English mustache.
Personally, I feel like I would look pretty good with a clean-shaven face or maybe a little scruff on my face. Some women dig the facial hair, they may also find us men with facial hair much more attractive.
Unfortunately for me, I feel like I will never have any facial hair at all. Having facial hair would be a nice cover up for the horrendous acne on my face. Or even my double chin back when I was a chubby teenager.
It is getting colder, so, having some facial hair would give me some warmth from the colder days that will be approaching.
Then again, sometimes having facial hair isn’t all what it’s thought out to be. For most people that have some scruff on them, it sometimes makes them look much older.
I’ve seen people with long beard who eat like Bavarians and get their food crumbs caught inside their beard. When they take chug of a drink and water starts to go down as if they are sweating, yuck!
Many professions may want one to shave off the facial hair because it ruins the professional look of a job. Take the example from my experience at my job.
If it grows too long, one would have to shave it to a certain style. Shaving it can be painful, yet very time consuming. Buying razors, shaving cream, and accessories would be a waste of money, just as well.
I will walk tall with my five strands of chin hair and 35 strands of hair above my lip, in hopes of my facial hair evolving to Enrique Iglesias scruff or even a Duck Dynasty beard.

Christian Arriaga-Flores is a Radio/Television Production major at Mercy College born and raised from Newburgh, NY. He likes to chat about anything from...