How To Make It in Fashion

April 1, 2014
Being a writer may have its perks if you may say at times. Ever heard of the saying all celebrities love press regardless if it is good or bad? Well that saying is certainly very true. Celebrities, socialites, designers you name it they all love press which is why being a writer you are surely favored.
I remember being a blogger starting out at the age of seventeen begging bouncers to allow me into NYC’s hottest clubs just to view and photograph today’s hottest designer collections. I remember celebrities being their “guest of honors” being followed by crowds of groupies and being photographed with the A list. Society may label fashion as the hardest industry to get into but believe me it is actually the complete opposite.
Fake it to you make it is definitely a model to follow by when entering the fashion world. Nobody remembers the night before so causal hellos and general conversation can and well surely get you noticed and even introduced to the bigger crowds. Handle your alcohol, “fashion folks” love to hold a conversation over a glass of champagne, wine, shots you name it. To be able to stir up a good talk while holding a glass equals a fashion god if you must say.
Now to the interesting part, your writing is granted to keeping you in this field. Making ties and promoting good press gets you on the publicist good side which means email guest list. Weeks before fashion week all bloggers, writers and photographers stand by their computers and phones in search of those “your invited” emails. If you were invited to an event but did not receive an invite in the future; chances are you rubbed the publicist the wrong way. Which bring me to my last topic publicist? In college we are taught that publicist can be extremely annoying and very bossy. They expect you to cover events and write coverage the way they expect it to be which is actually very true! Publicists are the people to know in this industry you sort of develop a love hate relationship. The love is the exposure a publicist has the ability to make you known and keep you relevant while in the blink of an eye can also get you blacklisted. Always remember your favorite designer, celebrity or anyone who is famous is nothing without the publicist, make your relationships and keep them! Remember folks these helpful tips will get you into the fashion industry and keep you there. Happy writing!