Why Are We So Angry ?

March 1, 2015
Normally my day is thoroughly routine; I go to work, I go to school, and then I commute home and throughout this daily activity I can’t help but notice the angry and rude attitudes of people, a.k.a. the New Yorkers. I am Brooklyn born, Bronx raised girl who has always had a love/hate relationship with NYC. Commuting to Dobbs Ferry daily was my personal getaway from the constant madness. On a daily basis I can be seen arguing with locals, yelling with “walk rage” and having to deal with the WWE fight for a seat while riding the dirty MTA.
Being that I am from NYC, this attitude and behavior is normal to others and myself. However, commuting home from school last week I began to view everything differently. I left class Wednesday night rushing home to catch the final minutes of my recent favorite nighttime show “Empire”. As I boarded the express D train to the Bronx I noticed there were limited seats but managed to grab one. After passing three spots leaving Manhattan I watched a fairly huge pregnant women get on the train. As I watched her get on two gentlemen admittedly put their heads down after making eye contact with her, and a third gentleman sucked his teeth and placed his headphones in his ear and pretended he never saw her.
My mind quickly began to race, “how could someone be so thoughtless? What if that was their sister or mother?”
Before I could think any longer I was snapped back to reality from hearing the voice of an elderly women asking the pregnant woman if she would like to sit. For a second I thought I was on an episode of a hidden camera show.
How could people watch an elderly woman get out of her seat with a cane to offer this pregnant woman her seat, and not feel remorse? Within seconds I had convinced the elderly woman to sit back down and gladly helped the pregnant woman to my seat.
As I stood up and held on to the train pole I couldn’t help but to get further lost into thought. I’ve watched behavior like this my entire life.
Why are New Yorkers so angry?
I’ve visited so many states, resorts, hotels and neighborhoods and have never encountered people as rude and angry as the people of New York City.
Instead of going home to watch my favorite TV show, I went home and began to dig deeper into my question in hopes of finding an answer.
After searching the web I stumbled across a recent survey from the job/career web center Glassdoor. According to Glassdoor, 40 percent of New Yorkers find a job within their field after their first year of graduating. Out of those 40 percent only 15 percent will make an average documented salary while the remaining 25 percent will make under documented salary.
In other words, it is almost impossible to land an average paying career living in NYC if you are under the age of 25. With this information alone I began thinking more about my career and graduation. I am 23 years old and I believe I experience a quarter life crisis twice a month. I push myself to be beyond good, almost great at everything however, promising yourself a dream career after college is quite frankly impossible.
I began thinking about those angry New Yorkers and who and what they must go home to. That man who didn’t give up his seat to the pregnant woman could have been a construction worker who makes minimum wage and works over time to support himself and his family. Although, I would like to consider myself nicer than most New Yorkers that I come in contact with, I can’t help but think, “will this be me in just a few years?”