The First video is of an excellent acoustic version featuring a singer that I never heard of before named Janelle Monae who really does add an unique sound to the song with her lovely tone quality – best dute without the two other band members. The Second video of the song ‘We Are Young” is a excellent live taping from iHeartRadio. The Third video is of a Live Performance from the band “Fun” on The Conan O’Brien Late Night Show. The Forth video is of the band “Fun” Live on an episode of David Letterman. The Fifth video is of the band “Fun” Live on The Graham Norton Show. The Sixth video is of a Live Acoustic Version at Indiana University. The Seventh and last video is of the Official Music Video for the song “We Are Young.” All these videos show different versions of the same song but please watch and enjoy each one because they are all unique.
The Videos that would Not Show Up on My Page. “We are Young” Song by the Group FUN.
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About the Contributor

Kelly Sisco, Impact Staff
I am a Junior transfer student and my major is Public Relations. My love for writing started when I was only 7 years old and would read my stories and poems at local bookstores. Writing for me has been a major part of my life and an excellent way for me to express myself. From 2009-2012 I owned and managed my own gift and consignment shop in Tuckahoe, New York. I had around 150 people who brought in many different types of items to consign in my store. This job taught me how to get along with all different types of people, how to market and promote myself using event marketing and the internet, stay on top of things with the times and how to sell during this bad economy. Even though my shop closed, at the age of 28, owning this business was the best experience I could have ever had. Everyday was a growing and learning process and the hardest part was having to learn everything basically by myself. While running my shop I wrote a monthly column for a local paper about being a store owner and the ups, down and fun times I experienced along the way and the great stories that came along with all of that. I hope to take all of my business and writing skills to the next level and become someone that people can say they know in a positive way. I want to inspire to do bigger things with my life and continue to grow with the skills I already have and the skills I will gain at Mercy College.
She can be reached at [email protected]