Growing Up Without A Best Friend

All our lives if not most of it we are told and taught that not everyone is our friend. we may have wanted everyone to have been our friend at one point in our lives if not at a young age where we might’ve held on to our mother’s hands and said hello or even waved to strangers. before we are taught stranger danger we didn’t care who we made a nice gesture to we just knew that we didn’t know any better. Kind gestures such as compliments are how some if not most friendships start.
Everyone knows that most friendships start off in the early years of school. From either pre-k to the remainder of the rest of your elementary school years. Sometimes friendship just happens and flows into your life unexpectedly. As children, it is easy to make friends versus making friends when you’re an adult. This happens due to being fearless in childhood only to lose that fearlessness when reaching adulthood. Being told that you only need one friend is true as quality over quantity is even truer. It is sad to think that most people don’t have someone they can call a friend whereas others can.
The sad thing about friendship is that no one teaches or prepares you for the rollercoaster that unfolds during and after it begins and ends.
The best lesson anyone can learn when it comes to friendships is to know who is actually your friend and who will be there for you in hard and good times.

Mia Tindel is a senior at Mercy College studying Journalism. In high school, she discovered her love for journalism, music and reading. She is curious...