Plus Sized Fashion The New Norm

Walking around the store trying to find a pair of jeans in your size but you can’t. You ask the nearest sales associate and they tell you, “Sorry, we do not carry that size here. Maybe you should try Sears.”
You turn to walk out of the store in search of one that carries your side. You’re a hefty woman and you’re tired of going to stores and being told that they do not carry your size.
New York Fashion Week Plus is a week-long series of fashion presentations. It brings the newest and best independent plus-size designers together during New York Fashion Week. The identity of designers involved in the show was kept secret to avoid spoilers. It was believed that Ashley Nell Tipton, the program’s first ever plus-size designer, was responsible for the breathtakingly romantic all plus-size collection that showed this week. It was a big moment for not only the runway, but New York Fashion Week.”
At one point in time it wasn’t alright for women to be bigger than a certain size. Today’s people are so health obsessed but fail to realize we live in a world where in food “bigger is better.”
If where we live food is all processed, and a burger cost a dollar while a salad costs $7, you are going to choose the burger. Women come in all shapes and sizes. Now plus sized women can feel better about themselves seeing that they have cute apparel for them too.
When you walk into a store they have different departments. Now plus sized women have always had a department but it wasn’t always very big. Now they do. Many clothing you see for smaller people are now made for plus size.
“I used to walk into a department store and look around at the clothes for smaller girls then look at the ones they had for me; the ones for smaller girls were much cuter than the ones that they have for me,” says Regina Black, a student who deals with this issue often.
It is often hard going into a store and not seeing anything in your size.
There are stores that sell clothing just for plus sized women. These stores include Ashley Stewart and Fashion to Figure. Many stores like these carry sizes that are larger than normal. These sizes are sizes 18 and up. It gives women the chance to feel beautiful in the skin they are in.
Fashion Week Plus was a huge success. You often see women who are much smaller on the runway. “When I heard there was plus sized women at Fashion Week, I was so happy. Finally. there was a woman on the runway that looked like me,” says Regina Washington.
Plus Sized Fashion has let women be comfortable in the skin that they are in. the models you normally see are women who are rather small. Everyone doesn’t look the same. People come in different shapes and sizes. Since that is the case women of all shapes should be seen on the runway.
The modeling industry shows women what they should look like. The image they show in magazines isn’t realistic. They make women appear flawless and that’s what people want to be. If they showed what women truly look like, it would make people more comfortable with how they look.
Ashley Williams is a girl who was never comfortable with how she looked. “I wanted to look like the girls in the magazines,” she says. The women in the magazines are photo shopped yet she wanted to look how they did. Williams was so obsessed with losing weight that she was willing to try anything and everything. “ I tried weight loss pills, teas, wraps, and basically anything else I thought would help me lose the weight,” says Williams. She has often felt like the black sheep of her family being that she is bigger than her mother and siblings. She says “It was always hard shopping with them; we always went to my section last.” She was tired of always being the one that was rushed since she was the last one to get her things. Williams wanted to be the girl on the cover of the magazine. She often fantasized how her body would look one she lost the weight.
Women today obsess about what they look like instead of embracing who they are.
“If I learned one thing it was that I should love who I am because if I don’t love myself them who will,” says Williams.
She learned that it doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside but what you are as a person on the inside. You can be small via body weight or be the prettiest person on earth but if your attitude doesn’t match that then a person won’t take to you.
“I learned the inside is what matters and not what I look like,” she says. After she saw plus sized models it helped her self-esteem some. If they can live with how they look she should be able to also. “I think us seeing more plus sized models will help girls like me with our self- esteem.”

Tanasia Patterson is from the Bronx. She attends Mercy College as a journalism major. Her hobbies are reading, dancing, and singing. She is planning to...