Film can do many things for many people when a viewer chooses to sit down to watch a film. The viewer can laugh, cry, and scream at the screen. However, films can bring people together which is what the film Because of Mika has done.
Because of Mika is written, directed, produced, and stars Mercy alumnus Paul Santoli. This is a beautiful coming of age movie that can teach one the importance of human connection. It also takes time to remind the audience that everything is alright if one doesn’t have everything figured out in his or her twenties. It just may take a recently deceased dog to remind one of that when he or she may least expect it.
The film was screened in the lecture hall for anyone on Mercy University’s campus to come down. What was unique about this whole experience was after the film was done, Santoli was able to hold his very own Q + A panel via Zoom open to anyone in the audience.
The audience gained a lot of knowledge from listening to Santoli and his philosophies. Santoli has a drive to make more unique and original films within Hollywood. He continues to live this philosophy with his new comedy We Want the Virus coming out sometime in the year 2025.
“My biggest helper was just to stay present in every moment when filming, especially when so many exterior things are going on. Be extremely present as an actor or director I found to be very important.”
Santoli continued to comment on what exactly he meant by staying present.
“If I wasn’t present and started to worry about something like my cameraman using the wrong camera lens, then that would just delay the whole process.”
Santoli gave an interesting look at how it is to be his director.
“I found it more relaxing as an actor to be my own critic. If I wanted a second opinion I would go to my script supervisor.”
Santoli provided a great example on how actors may get in their own heads.
“ I have done commercials and received notes from my director. This would cause me to get into my head and think ‘Wow, OK I need to do better’ or focus on what I am trying to do at that part more. So, when it came back to critiquing myself, I found that more relaxing as I was able to trust myself more.”
The audience hearing from a young talent in Hollywood was refreshing to say the least. This is because it shows how Santoli is still improving, learning and adapting. The audience was able to relate to Santoli more as a director, writer, and actor due to him still being new to the industry.
Mercy University having this event for anyone to be able to attend was very important. It showed the beauty of film on full display. It completely brought people together to celebrate this excellent freshman outing from writer, director, and actor. The film gave a sense of relatability to the audience as it is ok to not have it all figured out in your twenties.