Students Rejected from Attending Colleges Due to Ebola Outbreak
Imagine applying to your dream college, receiving a letter in the mail months later and being told you will not be admitted. Not because of grades, attendance or financial reasons, but because your residence has been confirmed as a country with the Ebola outbreak.
Over twenty African students have received rejection letters from colleges in the U.S. due to the fact their country has been confirmed as an Ebola outbreak region, which school officials are not trying to risk. International students describe the rejection letters as a disappointment and poor explanation from schools.
Not one student from Africa attending Mercy College contracted The Impact about receiving what they feel to be unfair treatment.
Kamorudeen Abidogun, a Texas man originally from Nigeria, stated that he received two rejection letters from a two- year community college in Dallas, Texas (60 miles from where a Liberian man died and two health aides are being treated for the deadly disease). Adidogun also told CNBC that his family members who are international students and use his residences for a mailing address also received rejection letters from applying colleges.
“This is a racist treatment,” said Solace Cline, a Mercy college alumni from Africa. “I completely understand that the U.S. is shaken and scared by this rising, sudden epidemic. However, rejecting international African students is the absolute wrong thing to do.”
Cline describes her first few years in the U.S. as being very difficult.
“Everyone assumes you are sick or have a disease when you inform them that you are from Africa,” says Cline. “I do believe that the students should be asked to receive certain immunization shots and undergo a physical just as any student should, but being straight rejected, that’s just preposterous,” states an angry Cline.
As for Kmorudeen Abidogun, during his recent interview with CNBC, Abidogun says that he will look elsewhere for education and if not granted admissions he may have to look into working fulltime.
“Navarro College should be ashamed of themselves,” says an angry Abdul Rahmen, a sophomore majoring in business at Mercy College. “This is the perfect example of people being afraid and rejecting things before educating themselves on what is going on.”
Rahmen goes on to explaining his cultural background. “My parents are from Ghana, Africa. I was also born there and immigrated to the U.S. when I was six years old.”
Rahmen goes on to explain his knowledge of Ebola. “Ebola has been around for a very long time in Africa, it’s sad and scary.”
Rahmen takes a long pause. “It’s sad because once a person has the disease, you know they are gone. It’s scary because the disease kills a person quickly.”
When asked how Rahmen felt about the rejection letters, African descent students received due to their nationality he had more than a few words to express his feelings.
” It’s a complete overage. You think people would educate themselves. Does Navarro College believe every African student is born with Ebola in their DNA?”
The Ebola outbreak crisis hit the United States early this summer by killing five people. The nation went crazy after witnessing just how fast and harmful the disease could become. There has since been a lot of spectating that African immigrants migrate to the U.S. having Ebola. TSA officials have promoted health officials to all airports deporting or arriving in Africa. These safety procedures have risen the eyebrows of many while some are agreeing to the extra safety precautions.
Not every student has the same opinions on the situation. One student not only agrees with the extra caution, but believes even more attention should be on the situation.
“I actually think African natives traveling or migrating to the U.S. should undergo extra evaluations before being allowed to enter the United States,” says a Mercy College junior who claims being on a crowded plane when a gentlemen jokingly announced that he was infected with Ebola. “I remembered hearing about this on the news and a guy saying this joke a few weeks prior.”
The junior states this with a very serious tone, “Ebola is not a joking matter, the man was immediately rushed off the plane even after announcing he was only joking, because of his immature joke my flight was delayed two and a half hours,” says the annoyed Mercy junior.
Since sending out rejection letters Navarro’s Vice president for access and accountability reached out to stating that the students received wrong information in regards to rejection notifications and how to college is looking forward to welcoming almost 100 students this fall. Although social media screen shot photos and documented rejection notifications states otherwise. Idris Bello, a Nigerian who lives in East Texas, posted his rejection letter on his Twitter account in hopes of gaining awareness. “
Above the rejected letter was a Twitter message.
“Tell @Navarrocollege; Stop Ebola, Stop discrimination.”

Krystal is currently a senior majoring in Communications Journalism. She hopes of becoming an editor in chief of a women's magazine.
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