Working for the Win
Growing up, I learned that nothing comes easy. I was always taught the importance of working, and the responsibility it brings on. My parents always told me stories of when they were teens/young adults and would work every day just to start their own life without their parents help. With their stories of hard work, I understood what it actually means to work.
I am currently working multiple jobs while going to college. It isn’t the world’s easiest thing to do, but it’s something I love. I’m that college student that would rather skip class to work an extra shift. Ever since I was little, I was always taught that working hard in life gets your far and that’s what I continue to do every day. I currently work at a local pizzeria.
Some weeks I can be there as little as 4 hour a shift, while other times I’m working 30 hours a week. Along with working there, I babysit before I commute an hour and a half to school. It can be tiresome but at the same time, it’s a lot of fun because the kids always want to play games. Another job I just started is being a substitute teacher.
I can get called in the night before or even the day of if needed. I could be subbing from 8:30am–3:30pm and then head home to change quickly to go to the pizzeria to work from 5 to midnight. It ends up being from just one long day to being one long week along with many sleepless nights, but it’s worth it.
People say money doesn’t buy happiness. I believe that is a lie. When you have money, you can buy whatever makes you happy. When I was 16 years old, I worked every day. I picked up every shift available to save all of my money to go on a huge school trip. The trip was to Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, and Hawaii for 16 days.
Needless to say, I needed to save a lot of money to go on this trip. After I attended the trip, I realized what money can buy. I came to the conclusion that working hard through school and breaks was all I wanted to do.
Now today working 3 jobs and going to college, I’m still looking for another job to work. Working is a valuable lesson most kids today don’t learn. People think things are just handed to them because they were never taught you have to work for what you want. I thank my parents and all of my family members for teaching me to work for what I want.
I’m always thinking about what I’m going to do next. I realize my major, Radio/TV Production, could get me nowhere with very little money. I’m always trying to be quick on my toes. I’m always in the search of an internship or job that relates to my field, but a lot of the time it seems close to impossible. Instead of crying about how I’ll never find a job within my field, I’m looking into other options that I would enjoy.
That’s also why I’m starting earlier with it. I’m not waiting until after graduation to realize I have no options for money. Working hard brings that upon you. It makes you think ahead of what’s next in life, not what happened yesterday. Responsibility brings opportunities.
I’m now looking into other jobs that aren’t in my field for example, I’m currently looking to become a police officer. I’ve already applied to take the state trooper exam along with the Clarkstown Police Department exam.
I know if I get that job, I will be okay in life. I won’t have to worry about the news channel getting bored of me being their anchor or running low on viewers resulting in my time slot getting pushed and my pay being decreased. I can feel safe knowing I have a stable job. I wouldn’t just become a police officer because it pays great, I would become a police officer because I love helping people. They work harder than almost all other jobs and that’s what I look for in a career.
Working hard is something I love to do and I would never give that up for anything. That’s why I would also consider becoming a teacher. Starting substitute teaching shows me just how much teachers have to do.
It’s not as easy as everyone thinks. Of course you get vacation days but it isn’t just an easy back seat drive to success.Though you get vacation days, it’s not paid. Teachers only get paid during the school year and if they decide to teach summer school, they also have to form their lesson plans for basically the entire year during their summer break. It’s not as simple as it seems.
I realized what working really means. It’s taught me that anything is possible if you work your hardest all the time. There is no time for breaks, every second counts. I also learned that always doing your best is most important.
If you don’t do your best, what are you doing for yourself? You’re not bettering yourself or anyone around you. I try to teach everyone what my parents taught me about the importance of working and always doing my best. All in all, I love working, and I love working to the best of my ability.
Or higher.

Amanda Depew is a Radio/TV Production major at Mercy College. Her hobbies include working all the time along with eating all the time. She has many jobs...