7 Annoying Things About Commuting

November 19, 2014
Whether you’re going to school, work or your regular day to day routine, we can all agree that the main focus is to get from point A to point B. However, this wouldn’t be life without the some amazingly unpleasant curve balls on your commute. There are tons of irritating things about your commute that make you wish you never had to leave the house. Here are 7 of the most generally annoying things about commuting:
7) The Long Waiting
Being at school or work actually isn’t the worst part of your day. Waiting to go to school or work takes the cake. What would be a 30 minute drive for some can be a 2-3 hour commute for others. You can’t even get excited to home without the sudden reminder that you’ll be spending an hour waiting for your bus or train
6) Money
You have $20 dollars, but then you realize you take the bus and train everyday of the week. You now have $-5 dollars.
5) Obnoxious Odors
Interestingly enough, a lot of people are still foreign to the concept of soap and water. What is even more interesting is that they are either oblivious or just think it’s okay to accost everyone on the bus/train with their foul scent. If you are the one who is providing the world with such toxic fumes, I am glad to let you know that deodorant and showers exist.
4) Rude Public Transportation Workers
We depend on these workers to try to make our commute a little more easy & pleasant, especially for people who are new to commuting. I once had a bus driver get mad at me for being the last stop that he felt was too far to drive to for only one passenger. Excuse me for thinking that you’re job as a bus driver included you driving me to one of the designated stops on your route. What was I thinking?
3) Carrying all your stuff around
Commuting is where you learn that not everything is portable. Unfortunately trying to bring all the things that you need in the day not only makes you feel tired, but it also makes you look like a human U-haul truck.
2) Crowded spaces
Goodbye personal space! Hello random elbow lodged into my ribcage!
1) Germs are everywhere!
With the cold season upon us, who knows what diseases are lurking in crevices of your commute. Lets not forget the people who were never taught to sneeze and cough into their inner arms and not directly on you ( Insert face of painfully remembering that happening to me here)