25 Things Every Latino Kid Can Relate To

1.Rice.. with every meal
2. Family parties
Latino families celebrate everything
3. Greeting everyone with a kiss on the cheek
Or your mom would get mad at you for being rude
4. Having a baby Jesus, a cross or a virgin Mary somewhere in your house
5. Opening presents at midnight on christmas eve instead of christmas morning
6. Fireworks around christmas
It’s tradition
7. So.many.kids
At every family event there’s a large group of kids running around
where do they keep coming from?
8. Your grandma feeding you every 30 minutes when you visit her
9. The face your mom gave you when you answered “que” instead of “si señora”
10. The same 10 songs playing at every family party for the past 30 years
11. Anything can be cleaned with Fabulouso
12. Your mom being convinced that you would pneumonia if you walked around barefoot
13. Playing loteria when you were a kid
14. Drinking cafe con leche since before you were even a teen
15. Theres always VapoRub in your mom’s nightstand
16. Soccer is a very serious matter
specially for your dad
17. Cleaning days
Your mom would blast music and clean every inch of the house, and you had to help
18. Your grandma probably had this plates
19. Hearing “Sana sana colita de rana” everytime your hurt yourself when you were a kid
20. Your dad always saying “me traes vueltas” when he gave you money
Even though he probably gave you less than what you asked for
21. Not being able to move for 30 minutes when your mom moped the floor, even though it dried in 5
22. Family chisme
23. Somehow we all had this bracelet when we were babies
24. All your tias asking “y el novio/a” every time you see them
25. Your mom is really the boss of the family
But that’s why you love her

Alejandra is a Music Technology major at Mercy College who is born and raised in Colombia.
She writes a column titled Let's Talk...
She can reached...