Top 10 Best Stephens and Steves of All Time
- Stephen King
The top Stephen on this list in the one, the only, father of horror and king of the macabre. Stephen King. If you have a pulse you have either read one of his countless novels or short stories. If you haven’t then you almost 100% have seen a movie based on one of his stories. He gets the number one spot for the plethora of quality work he has put out. 2. Steve Buscemi
Probably the worst looking Steve on the list, but probably the most recognizable. Between his teeth and his eyes, he has a distinct face. Which helps as he is in a multitude of movies and TV shows for many decades. Main reason he is so high on this list is because as a former firefighter, he went back and did twelve-hour shifts for a week during 9/11 to help out.
3. Steve Austin
The Texas Rattlesnake himself makes the top three. Stone Cold Steve Austin is often regarded as the most popular wrestler of all time (eat your heart out Hogan). He main evented more WWE pay-per-views then I care to count, but he is one of the best of all time. 4. Stephen Hawking
One of the smartest people like ever, can’t deny it. He also survived extremely long with a debilitating disease. Truly a great man, who did in fact blind me with science. 5. Steve Carrell
Arguably the biggest comedy star of the last decade. Not only did he star in the hit TV show the Office, he also has this little side thing called Despicable Me. He is a top ten Stephen for all time.
6. Stephen Colbert
Started off as a pundit for The Daily Show, to ride to host The Late Show. Oh, in between those he had a show named after himself. The Colbert Show. Nuff said.
7. Stevie Wonder
Not only is the man an amazing pianist, he also does it while blind. His last name is Wonder for a reason I guess.
8. Stephen Spielberg
The man just directs amazing movies. He directed the Indiana Jones movies, all of them. Like come one. That alone gives him reason to be on the list. Not even including Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and a host of others.
9. Steve Martin
A Steve worthy of envy. The man was a comedic legend and continues to be a tour de force in the genre with few equal to his talent.
10. Steve Irwin
The man wrestled crocodiles. He wrestled crocodiles. Any man who does that makes the list.

Stephen Lyons is mostly found on chairs and couches in front of a Television. When he isn't wasting his life with Xbox games or TV series, he likes to...