Let It Out

“Do you like writing?” Was a question that a friend asked me last Friday when I told him I was a journalism student.

It is not the first time that I get this question, so the answer almost came out on its own, but today, I found myself repeating it again and again, and a little voice in my head told me, “Do you actually like writing?”

Well, the truth is that I used to dislike it a lot. However, writing has become one of my usual occupations. Since journalism is my major, I have to write articles, research papers, and columns constantly as a requirement for my degree. I admit that there was a time when I felt overwhelmed when writing, and one of the reasons was the fact that English is not my native language, and I find it difficult to translate things in my mind sometimes. In fact, my grammar has been my Darth Vader, my Lord Voldemort, and my kryptonite to this day. 

But even with this, my relationship with writing was different this semester. I found something in writing that I had never experienced before.

I always considered myself an honest and open person when expressing my feelings. But these past months I discovered that it is not as true as I thought. Many times I have silenced my opinions to not argue or be questioned. Other times I was scared. I felt fear of rejection, mockery, or confrontation.

It may sound basic what I’m about to say, but those feelings are pretty normal. We try to avoid painful experiences, so we hide instead of taking risks. We even repress our true feelings and sometimes sacrifice our personality, character, and opinion to avoid problems.

Maybe what I’m about to tell you is not the first time you’ve heard it. But writing is not like that. Writing does not force you to do anything but be yourself. It leaves the door open for you to examine an infinite world that you did not know. It lets you be vulnerable without judgment.

And this resulted in me being honest with myself and the world recently. In my News Publication Practicum class, I had the opportunity to write this column called Let’s Be Honest, in which I was allowed to share my darkest and brightest feelings. I was allowed to sit in front of my computer and be myself.

And what happened? I was more honest than ever.

When I was writing, I opened my soul and poured my feelings onto the blank screen. I became the protagonist of my own movie and I gave importance to matters that are crucial to me.

I ventured out onto the keyboard and gave life to everyday concerns that seemed to be more common than I thought. I produced emotions and awareness. I imagined the world in which I want to live in the future and wrote it with enthusiasm. I even cried while writing many of the stories that I was able to share.

I guess the most difficult thing was to make it available to the public.

But honestly, it is not that bad. Realizing that many people have felt the same way as me at some point in their lives, creates an essence of community and companionship. It is very special. Also, as you get into a habit, daily writing helps you understand who you are, and how you function. By getting to know and understand yourself better, you learn to accept what happens to you every day, and you can give yourself the opportunity to change your point of view about things.

Why am I telling you all of this? Well, let’s say it is a reflection out loud that I wanted to share here in case it helps someone.

Also, I want to encourage people to write what they feel. Even if it is only for you. And you do not need to be an expert in writing or have previous experience. Just be you. 

Like me, you are going to discover that writing is a very powerful tool for your personal growth.