The Journey in Becoming a Producer

Jose-Ramon Serrano, Staff Writer

Throughout my whole life I always wanted to become a news reporter, I mean; I still do as of now. Before that even came up to my mind I wanted to be a bus driver. I know it sound funny, but it’s true. I just thought as a kid that it was so cool. Than in reality it’s a boring job to have, but pays good. That was just a moment in my childhood. During my childhood I became interested in becoming a news reporter. The reason why I became interested was the fact I have seen all of the fun news reporters have in covering different story’s everyday. I became more interested in news reporting and started to go online and look for an place or an organization that can lead me to the path of becoming a news reporter. At the moment I was in the 8th grade in middle school when I reached out to a media organization called the Manhattan Neighborhood Network and they forward me to the Youth  Channel department.

The Youth Channel is where I learn all about video production. The Youth Channel department produces critical media that presents in-depth analysis of the issues faced by young people in New York City and provides a pipeline for action. Created by producers who are both powerful storytellers and active community leaders, YC programming constructs citywide narratives to offer an alternative to the stories found in mainstream media, and to galvanize viewers to participate in local efforts toward change. The YC production process is guided by the need for media that is timely, impactful, community-based and critical. Our target audience is youth between the ages of 15-25. Just remember I was in middle school when I reached out to the media youth organization.

I called the Youth Channel and we set up a meeting because I wanted to be involved with the YC department. At that moment I’m thinking “ok now I am getting one step closer in becoming a news reporter.” In the summer of 2007, I did an internship with the Youth Channel department in which I became excited. Once I started the internship everything was going well, but I notice I was not doing what I wanted to do. I have spoken to the intern coordinator about how I felt.  I told “I want to become a new reporter and feel I am getting the training for that.” she told me “ in this internship you will learn everything filming, editing, studio work, control room, and everything that has to deal with the media.” That made me feel better because the fact I am wanted to focus on become a news reporter; I got a chance to learn a little of everything. I finish the internship and deiced to make my own talk show. When I look back on all of the things I have learn through the Youth Channel; all I can say is thank you. After some time I became a producer of Manhattan Neighborhood Network at there new location at the fire house. We never know what love to do can open many doors.

The fact I love what I do, an open door have opened up for me. Where I got an opportunity to teach video production at Thornton High School in Mount Vernon, NY through the Sport’s and Art’s foundation. I have never though in my while life that I would be teaching video production. It was like a new error in my life and said to myself how am I supposed to pull this off. Than in my other hand I knew I could do it and make it happen. Once the video production started I got a chance to have the students produces their own PSA and a youtube show.  It makes me feel good because I have the power to make things happen with the help with the students of Thornton Hight School. Did I ever thought I will be teaching hight students video production “NO.”

Like many people say that things happen for a reason. I call myself a Producer, well what I could say an up coming producer.