Online Shopping

October 20, 2016
Retail therapy is the best kind of therapy. Accomplishing your retail therapy is even better. Being an online shopper is a great title to uphold. The perks of being an online shopper is that anyone can be one. All you need is a the internet and a smart device. Cash is even optional. For those of you who do not online shop, here are some reasons why people do it.
Firstly, some people actually dislike going to the mall or outlets. There are so many countless steps that you have to go through before even getting to your shopping destination. You have to get out of your comfy bed. You have to put on clothes and get ready to leave the comforts of your home. You have to find transportation on getting there, either by bus, taxi/uber, a designated driver or driving yourself. If by chance you decide to drive yourself there, then there is a whole new obstacle waiting for you at your destination. Parking. Parking tests your patience and sanity. there are so many factors that you have to worry about. There’s, how far the parking spot is from the store, how many times you have to circle the parking lot waiting for people to leave, and many more perilous obstacles that are just too annoying to mention. After finding a parking spot, you may have to put money on a meter. Here is one of the many lies we tell ourselves while putting money in the meter, “I will not take long. Definitely two hours maximum.” Lies!! You will never, ever leave the mall in a timely fashion. All of these unnecessary takes you have to go through before you even get into your favorite store is just plain annoying. You can remove all of that stress by staying home, snuggled up in blankets, sipping on some tea.
You can also be smarter with your money when it comes to online shopping. Some people feel as though they spend way more money when they shop at a mall rather than shopping online. There is a sacred process for people who are on a budget. First, you should act like you just one the lottery and you are ready to go on a shopping spree of a lifetime. Once that is complete, then you can start by putting whatever you want in your shopping cart. You can do this without no worries in the world because remember, you just won the lottery. If you see a cute top, put it in the bag! Cute jeans? Put it in the bag! Five exact same sweaters but in different colors? Put it in the bag! Once you have reached your bag limit then reality sets in. Take a deep breath before clicking the shopping cart in the top right corner. Await for your fantasy life of being a millionaire come crashing down. Be cautious because the total bag price can make your heart drop and gasp for air. Reality hits you like a train. You can now go down the line of all the stuff you wanted and delete all the stuff you know you do not need. This makes you a smarter person because now you can get the items you really need by removing the ones you do not need while staying on budget. On the other hand while being at the mall you can buy so much stuff and lose track of what you are spending.
With online shopping you can take your time and relax. There is no rush. Unless there is a online sale with a deadline then that is another story. Online shopping is great for people who have anxiety while shopping. The pressures of walking around in a mall for hours all fade away. You can keep you tab open for days at a time. You can add or remove items out of your bag whenever you want. Time is your friend when it comes to online shopping.
Free shipping is everything. Make sure to reach the shipping minimum. Even if you have to buy something you really do not need just to reach the limit is okay. Some say you are saving money by buying something extra instead of paying shipping fees. If you are extremely eager for your purchases to arrive super early then you can pay for extra shipping costs. Some people say it is worth it. It truly depends how bad you really want.
Unfortunately, there are some downsides. The main disadvantage of online shopping is not knowing if you are ordering the right size. You can not try on the pieces of clothing and sadly not everything is true to size. It is like playing Russian roulette. You have to read the reviews, cross your fingers and hope when it comes in the mail it will fit.
I bet that while you are reading this, you have an open tab of a store that you religiously online shop on. And, if you do not then try it out. You will love it.