What is Life After College

This is what I’ve been waiting for. I’m now working on my last semester in college and I’ve never been more excited and nervous at the same time. Just the thought of me not being in school in January scares me but I’m also ready to face this next chapter in my life.

Over the years I’ve learned that this hasn’t just been about getting a diploma. School has shaped and prepared me for the future. It has showed me long sleepless nights, dedication, responsibility and organization.

I actually feel ready for this next step and I haven’t always felt this way. I’ve changed my major a couple of times, there were a few semesters when I wasn’t a full- time student, and I’ve even taken a few semesters off. This slowed me down a bit but once I knew what I wanted and where I wanted to be I just kept going. I actually felt embarrassed watching my friends graduate before me. I’ve learned that time doesn’t work the same with everyone and mine will come and it did.

Entering this part of life I’m absolutely excited for the new challenges it’ll bring but I’m nervous as well. Sometimes I feel that it would be like college again just a higher level. I’ll wonder how other adults have everything so together while I’m still trying to figure it out. I feel like everything is timed and I don’t have much to waste. It will feel a little discouraging at times but I’m ready. I’m ready to face the new challenges and use what I learned to overcome it.

It’s a change that I’ve been feeling. I remember my freshman year I was always with my friends and now I barely see them anymore. I find myself to be more alone at times but in a good way. It’s not a lonely feeling. It’s not something that I would’ve called normal then but I find myself creating a new kind of normal that would benefit me. I use to like to feel like for everything to stay the same but now I love change. I love to encounter new things and to see how it will all turn out. This is life is nothing but a great journey filled with ups and downs but you’ll learn to love it.

I often think to myself if I ever had the choice to do it again I would. It’s a great feeling to have a bright future to forward to and to know that you worked so hard to get there.

I’m not saying that it’ll be easier, but you’ll definitely be ready. You’ll be ready for the tiresome but necessary job-hunting, the long days you’ll have, and even the longer nights. Once you get the hold of things you’ll have everything back in order.

I’ve definitely made lots of mistakes through my college years but who hasn’t?

There will always be room for mistakes and you will always learn from them.