8 Ways to Stay on Track All Semester

Do you ever feel like you’re the most ambitious at the start of the semester? You’ve got that 4.0 GPA on your mind and nothing can stop you from getting it, but then some time passes, you start waking up later, procrastinating, and drifting off in class.

Don’t worry – we’re all guilty of this! If you’re ready to kick the habit, check out these tips on staying on track all semester.

  1. Set goals

You’ll need something to motivate you to stay on track. Set long and short term goals that you want to work toward: raising your GPA and completing a paper on time. Then keep these goals in mind throughout semester.

2. Keep your notes organized.

This saves you time because you’re not hunting for what you need when you need it.

3. Keep you laptop organized.

Go through your laptop and toss out any old documents that is taking up space. Organize everything into folders based on your classes.

4. Use a planner.

If you’ve always been the type to mentally organize your responsibilities with no problem, hear me out! You may not think you need it, but writing down assignments into a planner gives a great visual as to how many assignments and tests you have going on at once – meaning you’ll be able to prioritize tasks better!

5. Start assignments ahead of time.

Easier said than done, right? However, even the most dedicated procrastinator can take some small steps in the right direction. You don’t have to complete an entire project the day it’s assigned – simply just getting a small head start to give you an idea of how much time and dedication will be required to complete it. This will help you plan ahead!

6. Set aside regular study time.

It can be hard to fit in a consistent block of time for homework – and if you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself rushing to complete assignments late at night or early the next morning before school. You may not be able to study at the same time every day, but you can set up a weekly schedule that allows you to study at the same time each day of the week.

7. Visit office hours.

If you’re really unsure about whether you’re on track, pay a visit to your professors. After all, they’re there to help you out! Check out their office hours and be sure to set an appointment.

8. Suck it up.

Sometimes, we just have to deal with reality and adjust accordingly. You can’t eliminate job-related interruptions, but you can adapt. Come in early or stay late and use those quiet hours when no one is around to do the work you can’t get to during the chaotic workday. If that’s not an option, set aside a couple of hours every day and ask co-workers not to interrupt you. Then, stick to it. Let in-house calls go to voicemail. Shut your door if you have one. Put up a Do Not Disturb sign if you can.