7 things to hate about Driving…

7 things to hate about Driving...

1. Yellow School Bus

Dear yellow school bus, I hated you when I was younger and my sentiments remain the same. You remind me of my terrible experience in elementary school and you remind me , of why I am always LATE  for college.

2 Pedestrians:
NO. You cannot cross the street when the light is green…you will get hit.
NO. You cannot J-walk…you will get hit.
NO. Giving me eye contact will not change the situation… you will get hit.
Okay I’m not that mean..

3. Parallel Parking

Why can’t this be good enough??

4. Traffic= s l o w D e a t h

5.Breakers= Drivers that are indecisive about life.
The only thing in front of you is thin air…

6. Cutters

images (1)Stop disrespecting me.

7. Passenger Drivers
He is driving, she is anxious

Please stop criticizing  my driving skills. Last time I checked…you’re still alive, therefore I am doing a fantastic job!