10 Signs Your Roommate is Crazy

February 25, 2015
Almost everyone has heard a crazy roommate experience. It is awful really. Here is my interpretation of a crazy roommate.
- When your roommate is messy. There is nothing worse than having a roommate who has all of there stuff scattered around the room. It is the worst.
- When your roommate is smelly. When your roommate smells, he/she makes everything else in the room smell. It is absolutely disgusting.
- When your roommate does inappropriate things in the room. When you are in your own room, you don’t want your roommate doing inappropriate things in there. It makes you feel uncomfortable and awkward, especially around them.
- When your roommate talks about you behind your back. Finding out that your roommate talks about you behind your back just really stinks. You and your roommate are supposed to get along, not be fake around each other.
- When your roommate has a strange personality. It is really bad when your roommate has a weird personality that you do not know how to deal with.
- When your roommate steals your things when you are not there. Having trust with your roommate is very important because you don’t want to get on their bad side and have them steal your stuff.
- When your roommate has a guest over all of the time. I understand that your roommate pays for half of the room and they are entitled to have anyone over that they want whenever they want, but it would be nice for a roommate to respect you and ask if it is okay before having a guest over.
- When your roommate sleeps all day. Having a roommate that sleeps all day is just very annoying to be honest. You can’t have the light on when your in there because it might wake them up. It is just inconvenient and inconsiderate to the other roommate to sleep all day.
- When your roommate is never there. The reason why most people get a roommate is because it is an easy way to make friends. Not having a roommate there is not helping the cause of making friends.
- When your roommate doesn’t talk to you. When your roommate just straight up doesn’t talk to you, things become extremely awkward. You don’t know if it is something that you did wrong, or if that is just how they are. Anyway, things become weird very quickly.
Well there you have it, my crazy roommate stories.