What To Do After Finals Are Over
Us college students have been stressing all semester with balancing work and school. So when finals are done the first thing most people are going to do is party! Especially because its Christmas time & New Years.
I don’t think college kids get enough time to rest and sleep. So on break we will finally get a chance to sleep in late and actually get the amount of hours of sleep our bodies need.
Spring semester will start right after winter break and most people would love to come back more in shape than the following semester. Its maintains help and its good to stay in shape. Its also more appealing.
I know a lot of us have been waiting to catch up on their favorite shows but just haven’t had the time. Netflix became even more popular when the term “Netflix & Chill” surfaced social media.
Its time to meet up with your friends that went away to different colleges than you and reconnect.

Waheed is a 21 year old senior from New York who studies at Mercy College. He's majoring in journalism and broadcasting. One day he aspires to become a...