10 Best Original Graduation Cap Designs

With graduation within reach, I think it’s time for the soon-to-be graduates to find some inspiration for their caps. Let’s be honest, we’re happy to see you walk across the stage but all eyes will be peeled for the funniest and most original cap designs.
- I Woke Up Like This…
By a show of hands, who can honestly say that they have their lives even remotely close to figured out? With graduation coming, the first question that comes out of anyone’s mouth is “So what are your plans for after graduation?” Leave me alone, I’m still trying to recover from the last 4 years.
- Y’all Hiring?
Unless you are fortunate enough to have made connections at your prior internships or resume is impressively stacked or your personality is enough for employers to want to hire you, chances are that your career prospects are slim to none. It’s a fair question to ask because after all we’ve spent 4 years proving that we able to be taught.
- Can I Take A Nap Now?
I only ask for two things: a drink and a nap, in any order really. After 4 years of all-nighters, I deserve some beauty sleep now.
- $50,000 in tuition…
At this point, I owe my life and that of my first born child to the federal government and all I have to show for it is an overpriced cap and gown that I could’ve ordered off of Amazon and a piece of paper that I don’t even get the day that I walk across the stage! I’m not even a math major and I know that this doesn’t add up.
- I Declare Bankruptcy!
As a member of The Impact News, The Office is something that is often quoted and referenced in our newsroom so it didn’t feel right to not include at least one Office themed cap design. If don’t believe me when I say that I’m broke, refer to the previous cap design. Respectfully, management.
- She Doesn’t Even Go Here … Anymore
You had to know that it was coming… you just had to.
- The Rose That Grew From Concrete
*Insert Tupac lyrics here* Now that I’m looking up cap designs for the purpose of this TILT, I’m kinda upset that I didn’t pick this for my cap. I’m a Tupac fanatic but I feel like this would be too predictable for me at the same time.
- Hey Black Child…
Black Girl Magic at it’s finest, ladies and gentlemen. Being educated and black in America is dangerous enough but that does not mean that you should not wear your degree like the crown that it truly is.
- Can I Be Excused…
Big mood just in time for graduation. Enough said. I just need a vacation for 6 months, twice a year.
- The Rest Is Still Unwritten
And of course, we had to include of one of our recent Impact grads, Laine Griffin left us to go on to bigger and better things but she made sure not to forget where she comes from. For that we will always love you Laine! Always remember that the rest is still unwritten! (Yes, we know that was super cheesy but still true.)