The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

10 Best Original Graduation Cap Designs

10 Best Original Graduation Cap Designs

Chelsea Martin, Social Media Editor April 24, 2018

With graduation within reach, I think it's time for the soon-to-be graduates to find some inspiration for their caps. Let's be honest, we're happy to see you walk across the stage but all eyes will be...

10 Classic Comedies Youll Fall in Love With

10 Classic Comedies You’ll Fall in Love With

Nora-Grayce Orosz, Staff Writer March 2, 2017
A list of ten of the most hilarious comedies from the 60's through 90's that you'll want to binge from start to finish.
Shake it up! Are the Harlem Shake viral videos making a comeback?

Shake it up! Are the Harlem Shake viral videos making a comeback?

Molly Stazzone, News Editor February 24, 2013

Before the viral videos of universities, members of the U.S. Army and swim teams I’ve never head of the dance sensation “Harlem Shake.” It seems as if everyone and their mother are performing...

Weird but True Stories of 2012

Weird but True Stories of 2012

Sasha Majette, Staff Writer December 13, 2012

Every so often a story surfaces that you just can't believe and 2012 has been full of some insane stories. Such as the elderly woman who destroyed a valuable painting and that unfortunate face eating...

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