10 Mid-Pandemic Back to School Tips

As college students, we’re a little nervous to get back to campus and return to a somewhat “normal” lifestyle. Here are a few tips to keep you feeling safe and to ensure you have a great semester.

1. Wear a mask.

Wear a mask on school grounds. This is super important, as masks keep us safe. I know we don’t know a lot about COVID-19, but one thing that we do know is masks are the only reliable thing right now. There are plenty of cute masks on Amazon, Etsy, and I even found a cute pack for less than ten dollars in Old Navy. I think that having cute masks makes you want to wear them more often because it’s fun to change them up.

2. Social distance to the best of your ability.

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I know everyone is probably sick of hearing this, but it’s important. As school starts, make sure you try your best to socially distance yourself from others. Students come from all different states and places so it’s best to keep yourself safe by staying away from others. I know this might be hard, as you will be seeing your friends again and you will want to hug them and hang out with them, but just make sure you do it safely.

3. Stay home if you’re sick.

If you’re sick or have any symptoms, it’s important that you just stay home. This even includes if you feel like you could be in class and bear through it. It’s important that we stay home and get better because even if you don’t have COVID-19, you might have a weaker immune system if you are sick. A weaker immune system means it’s easier for you to contract coronavirus and that’s the last thing anyone wants right now, as we start school again.

4. Hand sanitizer is your best friend.

Pick up a bottle of hand sanitizer to keep on you at all times. Whether it be in your backpack, on your keys, or in your pocket, it’s super important to have. This will keep bacteria off your hands if you don’t have enough time in between classes to stop at the bathroom and wash your hands. Bath and Body Works sells all different kinds of scents with cute packaging, but your local Walgreens or CVS should also have some in stock.

5. Wash your hands frequently.

This, as well as number 4, is super important for this upcoming school year. It’s important to keep bacteria off your hands so you have less of a chance of spreading COVID-19. This should just be something that people do every day after using the restroom or before eating, but I know a lot of people forget to do this, so it’s just a reminder.

6. Try to not touch your face.

If you don’t wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently, you can spread bacteria all over your face. I know it’s hard to not touch your face, I have that problem, too. However, the less you do it, the less you’ll be exposing yourself to COVID-19 and other bacteria.

7. Keep a schedule.

After being off for months during the spring semester of school and during summer and getting used to being at home, it’s going to be hard to get back in the swing of things. Keeping a schedule is super important so you can plan your online classes, in-person classes, and whatever important things you have going on. Whether it’s a planner or a whiteboard calendar, you should keep your life organized so you stay on track.

8. Do a little at a time.

Remember that mental health is important. Since us college students have been off for so long, it may be hard to get back into the daily grind of school and work. Try not to overload yourself with work, and plan it out with the schedule that was previously mentioned. Try and do things other than schoolwork to keep yourself happy: keep a journal, do some arts and crafts, or even watch a new show.

9. Download the app.

For Mercy students, download the new “Mavericks Safe” cellphone app. On this app, you can fill out a COVID-19 screening assessment. You must fill this out every day that you plan to come to campus. This includes your first and last name, phone number, email, campus, and it asks questions about your current physical health.

10. Have fun.

I know it’s hard to forget to have fun right now with all the important guidelines and things going on in the world, but remember to have some fun to brighten up your days. Whether it’s having an outside social gathering, going to events in your dorms, or just snuggling up in your room with your roommate watching Netflix – just enjoy yourself.