Can you find me in that book? Look close, carefully and really good because I am there. I am there a few times just on that page. It’s like playing Where’s Waldo? You surely remember that famous game growing up. Waldo was always wearing a red and white stripped shirt, matching hat and was drawn into many interesting and wild scenes, making it sometimes very hard to pick him out. I am wearing dark green stretch paints with a bright flower print top that blends in with my surroundings to make it even more difficult to find me than Waldo. My name is Kelly. Where’s Kelly? Page after place of hidden places Kelly could be. Places that take you to Kelly. I’m the famous one this time. This time it’s me. A book where you find me among everything and everything among me you see. You see me? Am I under the bridge, am I on the beach or in the pool. Am I under that big apple tree or am I hiking up that mountain. You’ll never guess where I could be hiding next. Take a good look and don’t skip over any part of the picture. Look in the corners of the pages too, since I could be hidden there for you to pick out. Never forget and always remember what I am wearing. I’m the adorable one, you’ll see.
That’s me on a page where I am in my bedroom, among all my bedroom things. That’s me in a school classroom with lots of other students around. That’s me at a concert, sitting in a set in a certain row. I could be in a million different situations when you turn the page. Look that’s me, you found me. Again and again you keep finding me. Me among so many things in my dark green stretch pains and floral print top, you spotted me. Where’s Kelly? Now, it’s your turn to look, search and find. You went from finding me to you found me. Where was I this time, where will I be next time? Maybe I’ll magically disappear and be nowhere. Oops, I’m gone. I went away and off the pages of this book. No more me to find. The book is empty with no more me to find.