5 oddest dating websites for ALL types of people

February 10, 2014
In the world we live in today, there are all different types of people and the wonderful world internet makes it easy for people to find a special someone to love. Whether you’re ugly, gorgeous, fat, skinny, a hipster, black, white, Asian, Native American, from a different country, a vampire lover or an actual vampire; there is a dating website for you (promise!)
Here, the TILT presents the 5 oddest dating websites for ALL types of people. Starting with ….
5- Amish- Online- Dating.com (This one is pretty self-explanatory). Looking for a date on a lonely night? Happen to be Amish? Look into this website for the sexiest Amish-men around.
4- Darwin Dating.com. Dating website for beautiful people only; no ugly losers. This is only for beautiful, desirable people. This is definitely the site for Honey Boo-Boo.
3-The Ugly Bug Ball.com. This website is more for the more down to earth average people. Accepting singles all over the world… obviously.
2- Vampersonals.com- #1 dating sights for vampires and goths. They don’t bite…. That hard. If you’re into that type of stuff.
1- STDmatch.net- Meet singles who also have herpes so you don’t have to spread it to others. A service of positive singles where you can connect with singles in your area who share your STD or others.
** These aren’t the only ones that were found. There are others such as glutenfreesingles.com, diaper-mates.com, purrsonals.com and so many more that attract those “special” people in our world. **
Samuel Neve • Feb 11, 2014 at 12:29 am
Surely the Amish can’t use the internet?