Enough is Enough
It’s 2018. Will people finally get over their overbearing social media habits?
The first month of the year always seems to drag. January. The only month of the year where people decide to express new resolutions as if last year wasn’t that long ago. It still amazes me as to why people believe a new year will solve all their problems when in fact the change into a new year is only separated by 60 seconds.
Every new day that begins, can be the starting point for any kind of resolution that comes to mind. Why not start now? If not, then within two hours. If that doesn’t work then at least tomorrow. From experience, waiting for a new year to prove to myself that I can accomplish a goal, just makes me feel less motivated to do so. Why not prove to yourself that you’re not always gonna be that person who watches A Walk to Remember every weekend with a side of Ferrero Rocher chocolates and your favorite glass of wine that has a corny quote on it from Target (not saying that’s a bad trait, just something that should happen less often).
If you do make the decision to become more positive, go to the gym more often, manage your funds with ease, that’s amazing, but no user on Snapchat cares about your two-minute long video preaching those sentiments.
Now, before you think this is a social media bashing article written by a baby boomer with only a Facebook account, it’s not. I am very much the average 20 year-old who uses some form of social media on a daily basis, but with different intentions as my millennial counterparts.
As of more recently, my willingness to open Snapchats and scroll through Instagram posts has diminished. The influx of protein shake posts and barbell shots is uncanny. Don’t get me wrong, if you want to make fitness one of your goals go ahead, just don’t make every post about your fitness routine (unless you’re a certified trainer), or the ingredients in your “green” smoothie.
Also, the extra camera shot of your 7.5 ph water? Sharing a picture of what kind of water you drink leaves me with the same face as the blinking man meme.
Another common occurrence on social media that I’ve noticed is when people feel the need to post their Delta Airline receipts of their upcoming trip to the Bahamas. The comical aspect of these types of posts is that nobody thinks to scratch out the price info, the order number, and the time and airport location of their “long-awaited” time off.
What happened to “moving in silence?” Do people actually need to know how much you paid for the tickets so they can evaluate what kind of “wealthy” job you have? Does the location of your holiday actually need the approval of your followers? Why don’t you post pictures of your cruise after you’ve basked under the sun for a few days? No follower is going to remember that you have a trip planned for November when January just began. I’m not sure what’s going on in their head but they want at least one follower counting down the days until their vacation they have some serious insecurity issues.
Text message conversation screenshots…why? I know we all have those hilarious group chats but last time I remembered, I don’t need to prove to everyone how hilarious the conversations are. The purpose of the message app is to have private conversations, not to screenshot to the world the sexual innuendos your only best friend made.
Also, this is across all genders, but aside from text conversations, the DM (direct message) conversations (usually from Twitter and Tinder) showcasing one’s flirting skills truly screams self-absorbed. I could care less about your emoji-filled sexts so people can call you “goals.”
This leads to my next point when a celebrity couple literally breathes in the same vicinity of each other while walking down 6th Ave, and singles call it “goals” or “mood.” If this is such a “goal” and “mood” then go out and date people. I don’t want to see a picture of a random couple embracing in the bedroom so you can let everyone know how sexually frustrated you are. Of course, everyone has wants, needs, and standards for their ideal partner but the only one who should know that is yourself.
On the other hand, when somebody posts about their trip to the hospital or a family member’s death, there should be some type of limit on how vulnerable one should be with their followers. Of course, it’s devastating that you had an emergency trip to the hospital, but why do you feel it is necessary to post a picture of your hospital band to let everyone know you had a non-fatal trip to the ER.
I understand people naturally grieve after a death of a loved one, but sharing an image of the corpse in an open casket is more than what I want to see when scrolling through Instagram in my free time. That should always be a private moment for family and friends. If they are your close friends, they will contact you directly and send their condolences off of social media.
Lastly, I know we all love music and singing along to our favorite tunes, but randomly lip-syncing (especially the most overplayed songs) has never been more cringe-worthy. Yes, we all want to jam out, but I don’t want to see your awkward lip licking movements, hair flips, or unwashed teeth. I’m pretty sure there was a time before Snapchat that we all lip synced and danced along to blasting music without recording a 15-second video for an audience.
Overall, the constant need to post every moment of one’s life on social media is completely appalling. Please just enjoy life without worrying about other people’s approval.
The more private I am, the happier I am.
Nobody can be a “Debby Downer” if they don’t know what’s going on.

Nicole is from The Bronx and is a journalism major at Mercy College. Her hobbies include discovering new places to eat on a budget, photography, listening...