The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

#JusticeforJazzy: UHart Undergrad vs. Roommate from Hell

#JusticeforJazzy: UHart Undergrad vs. Roommate from Hell

Chelsea Renay, Staff Writer November 1, 2017

Everyone has had to deal with their roommate's  weird quirks. Maybe they snore or have weird tastes in music or doesn't speak much unless spoken. But what if they were racist? University of Hartford...

Shake it up! Are the Harlem Shake viral videos making a comeback?

Shake it up! Are the Harlem Shake viral videos making a comeback?

Molly Stazzone, News Editor February 24, 2013

Before the viral videos of universities, members of the U.S. Army and swim teams I’ve never head of the dance sensation “Harlem Shake.” It seems as if everyone and their mother are performing...

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