Lucky Doesn’t Explain It
I have had two best friends since Kindergarten and I finally wanted to share them with the world. If you know me, you know them and that is a fact. They have been at birthday parties, high school football games, pre-proms, and everything else in between.
These two people do more for me than anyone I’ve ever known, they’ve been by my side on birthdays, concerts, and just days where I needed them. They help me see the real me.
Tori and Ashley are two people I will cherish forever. They have stuck with me all these years through moving to different towns, all the different drama I’ve been through, and everything on top of that. They have never left me or judged me once.
The three of us watched each other grow up and go to college. We were spread out for a few years as I was two and a half hours away, Ashley being an hour and a half away, and Tori stayed at home.
Being apart never stopped us from talking and sure we might’ve not talked every day but when we do talk, it’s from where we left off last.
Tori grew up as a quiet girl, there were points in my life when I had to ask her to talk when we would play with dolls or Littlest Pet Shops.
But now she is now one of the funniest people I know. I go to her for Instagram photo help since she takes and posts the best photos I’ve ever seen. Tori is also dating one of my friends, Kevin, from my high school. It’s just crazy how worlds collide sometimes.
We are constantly going on double dates just talking about life and enjoying time together.
Ashley and I have always had the same kind of vibe ever since we were little. Outgoing, a little crazy, and just fun to be around. She lived up the street from me and it felt good knowing I had her right there whenever I needed her.
She is now the same crazy, outgoing girl she always used to be. Her vibes are amazing and she can cheer anyone up in two seconds, she tells you how it is and she always lets you know when you have made progress in life.
The three of us got split up as I moved away from our original school but this didn’t stop us from being friends. I would see them at sweet sixteens, my birthday parties, and their birthday parties. It was a long-distance friendship that always worked.
I was always nervous that our relationship as friends would break because of me getting new friends or just constantly moving further and further away from them but this never happened. That’s how I knew it was true friendship.
I spent some of my favorite memories with them and it’s always a great time when I’m with them because I can be myself. They are so special to me and I’m so lucky to have them.
They have seen me during my rough stages and they have seen me during some of the best stages of my life. I trust them with every secret and they trust me with theirs.
It’s hard to have girls that are friends, let alone two of them that have never once said a bad word about you. It’s hard to find because girls can be evil due to jealousy, boys, or whatever else they can find to fight over.
I am proud to call them my best friends and I will forever be proud of who they have become and how they continue to grow as people. Life is crazy right now but if there is one thing I can rely on, it’s them.
They are apart of my life and forever will be. My kids will call them their aunts one day and I can’t wait for it.
From concerts to parties at Ashley’s and to being my future bridesmaids one day, I love you guys.
Thanks for always sticking around.

Alexis Lynch is currently a senior at Mercy College. At Mercy, Alexis is a Media Studies major with a focus in Journalism. She has gained experience that...