The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

Play and Script – Based on the Painting – “I am the Village” by artist Marc Chagal

Characters –  

Lady June – (Wife who was turned into a Unicorn)

Alejandro – (Mayor of town and his Skin is the Color Green)

Rusty – (Village Person – Guy) 

Scarlett – (Village Person – Woman)


Scene I –

In a village far, far away lived a man named Alejandro, who nobody realized had special powers and abilities. Alejandro is the mayor of the town and his skin was the color green because he was filled with hatred towards his wife and the town for not cooperating with his plains to make the village better. Alejandro wanted nothing more then to get along with his wife, June, but there was no way that was going to happen if she stayed as the person she was.



(Speaking out loud to the townspeople)

Here he comes. Alejandro has come to the village square to probably give another one of his lectures about how he wants to fix up the town. Stand back and make room for his arrival.


(Preaches to everyone who is gathered in the village square)

Listen up everyone. There are many things that we need to go over. I have a list of what needs improving in this village and everyone must pitch in. I should see no one not helping out and doing his or her part. This village involves all of us, so everyone needs to step up to the plate and take pride in their hometown or they will not be happy that they live here. Is that understood?


(Announces to the town’s people in a terrified voice, afraid of what Alejandro might do to them.)

Oh, no! Alejandro is pretty upset and it’s probably because he had another fight with his wife. Those two never get along and I am not even sure why they are married.


Let’s not waste another year living in the mess that we are living in. We need to work together to make progress. I love this village and you people better start showing that you love it too or I will send you elsewhere. It’s a privilege to live in my village. I repeat it’s a privilege.

(Alejandro says that he loves the village but he is so demanding of everyone that no believes that he cares about the well being of the people or the village at all.)


(Walks up to Alejandro to personally ask him a question.)

May I suggest that you consider listening to some input from us, the village people, before you demand that we follow your orders. I mean we all live here and don’t you think that we should be allowed to have a say in what types of things are done to fix up the village. That is only the right approach.


Silence! I am your mayor and I know what is best. You may not agree with me but you will see that things will be better in this town from here forward.


(Talking in a shy and timed voice.)

I am sorry to bother you, Mr. Mayor, but I have a suggestion to make.


Today is not a good day. I have to go home and attend to my wife. I was just here to inform the village that I will be coming back in the next couple of days with another announcement of the things that will have to be completed by everyone in the village if you want to remain living here.


Is everything okay with your wife, if you don’t mind me asking?


All I can say is she has not been well. But please let’s stay focused with the business that is in front of us. No need to get off track with my personal life.


I was just asking because I have seen you and your wife arguing on the village streets. I think everyone has seen you and her fighting and yelling at each other.


There is nothing that any of you village people can do to change the way my wife acts. She is a very difficult woman, if you must know.


(She says something not knowing what else to say that would not upset Alejandro.)

Well, I wish you to the best. Hopefully you and your wife can work things out and come to some type of agreement on things.


Yes, hopefully. I think that I have a plan that will turn things around. But, lady, please do not tell anyone that we spoke of this. I do not want word to get around.


Sorry to tell you but I am pretty sure that everyone already knows about the two of you giving each other problems. You two really do not hide it very well at all.


That is enough on that subject. When I come back in a few days I want everyone to be ready to work hard and not give me and back talk regarding my plans whether you disagree or not.

(Alejandro exists the stage and leaves the village square.)


Alejandro is a strange character, don’t you think?


Wait, what is your name young lady?


Oh hello. I’m Scarlett and you are?


I’m Rusty and I have seen you around these streets plenty of times but we never got to introduce each other until now.


I see that we both don’t really like Major Alejandro. He is so obnoxious. I just hope that this village has the strength to be able to handle his dictatorship.


Nothing could be worse than living another year under Alejandro’s control. I can’t believe that he does not have an understanding or caring bone in his body. His power has gone to his head and I wonder what his plans are that he says he has in store for this village.


I wonder too exactly what he has planned. I wish there was some way that he could see that the people of this village are good people who are sick of being pushed around and treated the way that he treats us. Before something really goes wrong, one of us in this village needs to put an end to his behavior and take action.


You should not test his anger. He has powers and I have come to find out that they are somewhat magical. There was this one time, which most people of the village experienced, when his magical powers caused complete chaos.


I did not say that I was going to be the one to overthrow his powers and abilities, but someone must. I think down deep he is probably a good guy but something in his life is causing him to act cruel and horrible towards his village people.


I hope you are right and I have a feeling it is his wife who is causing him trouble and putting him in the bad mood that he has been in since he has become Mayor two years ago.


I think his attitude has to do with him and his wife also because he kind of told me something along those lines when I asked him why he is so angry and why he must treat his village people the way that he does. But I also told him that I would keep my mouth shut about it so you did not hear anything from me.


When you see Alejandro and his wife in the village square it seems like all he does is boss her around and if she does not cooperate he goes wild with rage.


Well, that is our Mayor for you. There is nothing going on anymore in the Village since Alejandro went home for the night so I will see you around town. Take care and get home safe.


You be safe too sweetie. Let’s hope for the best when Alejandro finally does come back to the village square and presents his changes.


Yes, let’s hope that they are demands that we, the village people, are able to handle. Good Night.

(Scarlett and Rusty leave the village square for the night, along with other people who were walking the streets and heading home in the dark as well.)


The stage lights fade to black and the curtain closes.


Scene II

Curtain opens to Alejandro and his wife, June, at home talking about how they are going to work things out in their marriage.



June, can we sit down and discuss something?


I am in the middle of something. Don’t you see that? You can’t just call me in whenever it is convenient for you.


You never make any time for me and you always tell me that it’s an inconvenient time for you.


Alejandro, you are very demanding and expect way too much from me. I cannot just cater to you every day.


Things are not working out and we are always in an argument with each other. You have turned my skin green because I am always in a terrible mood. I have learned to live with my green skin, but do I like it, no! That is correct, I do not like it at all June. But, my skin has given me these unbelievable powers that I actually have been using to my advantage.


I have actually grown to not mind your skin being green and it is not such a bad look for you. Actually, your green skin makes you look more attractive.


Well, if you don’t mind looking at my green skin then maybe you would not mind if I changed the way that you look as well. Something has to change and that change is about to begin now.

(Alejandro uses his powers to cast a spell on his wife but the spell goes very wrong and he ends up turning her into a unicorn but a very beautiful unicorn if that helps make things any better.)


What type of change are you referring to? You are starting to scare me with your talk of suddenly having powers and the fact that you want to change something using them.


(Alejandro puts his hands over his wife’s head to cast a spell on her and turn her into a more agreeable, cooperative and forgiving woman.)

One, two, three. Here goes! I hope this spell turns out correct. With all the powers in heaven above, give my wife a beautiful spirit. Make her have a beautiful voice and be more loving and gentle towards others but especially me, her husband. Take all the evil out of her system and replace it with a kind heart that is in line with the heart of a graceful animal. One, two, three, presto!


What happened? I feel very different and as if I am not in my regular body. This is really strange Alejandro.


Oh no, June, you must come over to the bedroom and look at yourself in the full-length mirror.


Can this possible that I am an animal? What type of spell did you cast over me? I look like a unicorn and want to be turned back into a woman.


I asked the heavens to grant you with the spirit of a graceful animal so that you would act more loving towards me but I did not mean to turn you into an actual animal. This is no good, but you do look really pretty and elegant.


Are you crazy? I am a unicorn. But wait; from this angle you are right I do have some beautiful features. Honey, what would you like for dinner? Just name anything and I will cook it for you.


You have not cooked in years, never mind asking me what I would like to have. Usually we just get stuff that is already made from the market.


I want nothing more than to please you and make you the happiest man alive. I am here to serve you, my love.


What is with all these kind words and gestures? Maybe the spell worked after all and you being a unicorn is not so bad since we do live in a home with a really big open yard where you can roam free.


How nice of you to think of giving me the land to make myself comfortable on. I just thought you would have had me live in this house where there is no room for a big animal like me.

(Lady June does not see that the things her husband is doing like putting her outside to live as acts of evil but rather kindness because she has a new personality that only sees everything in life as wonderful.)


(Alejandro was shocked that his wife, June, actually wanted to live outside in the yard and that she thought he was being nice when actually he just did not want to be living with an animal in the house and so he was getting rid of her and making her live outside.)

That would not be right, you deserve the land. All that extra space will be great for you to have now that you are a unicorn. I am going to call you Lady June from now on instead of just June. Lady June suits you well.

Lady June

Lady June. I like that name. I feel like I am a royal unicorn that is getting the royal treatment. Lucky me, I have a husband that tells me what to do every day. Other women should be as fortunate as me.

(Lady June is not being sarcastic when she is speaking. She means what she is saying about her husband because being a unicorn has made her a forgiving person who accepts the way that people are and finds horrible acts that her husband does as actually nice.)


Hopefully, if I keep you as a unicorn we can have a better relationship. You will be my pet forever. I will tell the whole village tomorrow that you are Lady June, my pet unicorn that lives with me and spends her nights sleeping on our land outside. People will just love how beautiful you are. You are going to bring great things to this village and maybe you will be more useful to me this way.

(Alejandro got his wish for a more helpful and understanding wife but he still kept on treating her the same horrible ways that he had been and nothing changed on his part.)

Lady June

Anything to please you Alejandro, anything to please you.

(Says, as she bows her front two legs to him.)

The next day in the village square Alejandro brings Lady June with him to show the people who are gathered around on the streets. 


(Announcing to the village people)

Look what Alejandro has with him today. Everyone look, it looks like he has brought a unicorn with him to the village square.


(Speaking out loud and asking a rhetorical question.)

Oh my goodness, where could he have gotten a unicorn from?


(Projecting his voice and informing the village people)

I would like to introduce everyone to Lady June! You all have met her before but she looked different then.


(Looks over to Rusty and starts talking to him.)

What is he talking about? We have never met that unicorn before. Wait, he just said that the unicorn’s name is Lady June and his wife’s name is June. Is that just a coincidence?


Do you think? Oh no. It can’t be that he has used his powers on his wife, can it?


Are you implying that the unicorn is his wife. Nah, he is not that evil or is he? This is unreal; that really is his wife. I cannot get over the fact that his wife is now a unicorn.

Lady June

I am so very happy to meet you all again and my husband has wonderful things planned for this village in the upcoming weeks.


(Talking to Scarlett)

She really thinks that Alejandro has wonderful things planned. Oh no, she is probably under his spell to agree with everything he does. Why else would she tolerate his controlling personality.

(The village was amazed to see Lady June cooperating with everything Alejandro was telling her to do without any complaints.)

Lady June

(Talking to all the village people.)

I feel happy to be here with everyone today and, on behalf of my loving husband, I am going to be on his side with all his decisions from now on. I back him up 100%.


(Talking to Rusty)

This is super shocking to see but at least they are getting along and, maybe with Lady June being so understanding Alejandro will start to learn how to be understanding of people as well and take after his wife, or should I say his pet unicorn.


I do not know what is going to happen but at least there will not be any loud arguing from the two of them anymore. Lady June actually looks quite pretty if I may add and by giving in to her husband the village people will hopefully see Alejandro in a better mood and in return he will treat his village people with more respect.

(The village people cheered and clapped for the Mayor and his Unicorn wife.)

Lady June

(Speaking to the village people.)

Even though I am on my husband’s side with everything that he wants to accomplish in this village, I will be there to help you guys out and you will not be stuck by yourself. I am also going to hire workers to do the heavy lifting when it comes to the beautification of this village. This village is going to become stronger because I have decided to pitch in and my husband has told me that he will be implementing some of my ideas that I have given him.

(The village people cheered some more and were excited that Lady June was stepping in and taking a more active role.)


(Speaking to the village people once again.)

Yes, my wife has been following my orders very nicely and for that I am letting her make some of the decisions around here. Maybe, by having her take some of the lead, that will make you people happier and more cooperative. Just because she is “my pet” now that does not take away from the fact that you still need to treat her with respect because she will be in charge of many of the tasks going on since she is so eager to take an active role and help out finally.

Lady June

Good people of the village, even though I look like a unicorn, think of me as your friend who is here to help improve our village and bring new life to the streets. My husband has shown me that, when I don’t constantly resist things, life can be easier and thanks to him I am more beautiful than I ever was before.


That was the beginning of better things for the village. Even though Alejandro did not completely change his evil ways, by having a wife that did what he said made him happy and in return he allowed her to make some of the decisions that the village people were happier with and agreed with more. Lady June will forever remain a unicorn. Alejandro’s skin started to change from green to a lighter shade of green because he was not always so upset with his wife because they were getting along due to the spell he put on her and the fact that she is now his lovely pet unicorn.  


The End.

Marc chagall-I am the Village


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About the Contributor
Kelly Sisco
Kelly Sisco, Impact Staff
I am a Junior transfer student and my major is Public Relations. My love for writing started when I was only 7 years old and would read my stories and poems at local bookstores. Writing for me has been a major part of my life and an excellent way for me to express myself. From 2009-2012  I owned and managed my own gift and consignment shop in Tuckahoe, New York. I had around 150 people who brought in many different types of items to consign in my store. This job taught me how to get along with all different types of people, how to market and promote myself using event marketing and the internet, stay on top of things with the times and how to sell during this bad economy. Even though my shop closed, at the age of 28, owning this business was the best experience I could have ever had. Everyday was a growing and learning process and the hardest part was having to learn everything basically by myself. While running my shop I wrote a monthly column for a local paper about being a store owner and the ups, down and fun times I experienced along the way and the great stories that came along with all of that. I hope to take all of my business and writing skills to the next level and become someone that people can say they know in a positive way. I want to inspire to do bigger things with my life and continue to grow with the skills I already have and the skills I will gain at Mercy College. She can be reached at [email protected]

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