Jillian Simmons, Impact Staff
Jillian Simmons is a junior studying Television and Radio Broadcasting, with a secondary concentration in journalism.
She has a passion for video editing and writing, and after graduating hopes to get a job working on a talk show, doing some of the behind the scenes work. Jillian comes from a family composed of 0ver 25 first cousins, and even more second and third cousins who she is very close with, so she is very family oriented. She has a dog named Kitty, and a cat named Marvin who are arguably the most important things in her life. Jillian is also an avid Disney fan and even has a tattoo dedicated to her favorite movie, Lilo and Stitch. Her favorite place to be is at concerts or music festivals, even if she doesn’t know the artist. The atmosphere of a concert is something that she feels cannot be replaced by anything else.
Jillian writes a column called Eternal Sunshine of Jillian’s Mind, where she talks about things to bring herself inner peace.
She can be reached at [email protected]