The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

Social Media and Relationships: A Juxtaposition between the Generations.

Social Media and Relationships: A Juxtaposition between the Generations.

Rashaan Pace and Lauren Whyte May 14, 2015

Since the dawn of civilization, every great advancement known to mankind has helped to shape and mold the way in which citizens interact with each other as well as the world around them. While our ancestors...

F*** Your Breath

F*** Your Breath

Lauren Whyte, Staff Writer April 16, 2015

It was just a few months ago that we were chanting  that “we can't breathe” in response to Eric Garner’s fight for his life while being tackled by police officers of the NYPD in Staten Island. Before...

Hillary Clinton For President?

Hillary Clinton For President?

Lauren Whyte, Staff Writer April 16, 2015

A few days ago former Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton announced her 2016 Presidential Bid. I remember being asked by a professor two years ago, if I thought the United States was ready for a Woman...

Hiring Increase For 2015 College Graduates

Lauren Whyte, Staff Writer March 12, 2015

Employers in the United States set out to hire more college graduates, according to the 2015 Job Outlook Report. Gone are the days when employment after college graduation was an assured thing. Now...

What Do You Meme?!

What Do You Meme?!

Lauren Whyte, Impact Staff February 27, 2015

Imagine walking out the house in questionable clothing or finding yourself in an awkward position in a public space. Making a bold statement of love or declaration of what you believe, which have you in...

10 Reasons Why Our Society is Screwed...

10 Reasons Why Our Society is Screwed…

Lauren Whyte, Impact Staff February 27, 2015

1. Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat, and Tinder. Social media is single handedly ruining lives because it makes people feel inclined to share everything with the world. Facebook tells...

Mercy Launches In Case Of Crisis App

Mercy Launches In Case Of Crisis App

Lauren Whyte, Impact Staff February 9, 2015

No longer is it “Stop, drop, and roll.” It is now “Stop, drop and pull out your phone.” The In Case Of Crisis application was designed to assist students and faculty in case of any emergency...



Lauren Whyte, Impact Staff January 29, 2015

Nothing impacts life more than death. Death has been something that I feared my entire life, because it was a world of the unknown. The only people that know how it feels to die are no longer living...

We Still Cant Breath

We Still Can’t Breath

Lauren Whyte, Impact Staff writer December 18, 2014

This past weekend, the million man march took place in Washington D.C and in New York City. Protestors came together, because of the realization that the Justice system in these United States of America,...

 How I feel about #FERGUSON

How I feel about #FERGUSON

Lauren Whyte, Impact Staff November 28, 2014

This is much bigger than Mike Brown and Darren Wilson. When the verdict was reached, I must say that I was not surprised about Darren Wilson not being indicted because that is the justice system I have...

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