The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

Destination Addiction

Destination Addiction

Shantal Marshall, Associate Managing Editor May 5, 2016

Ok, so you're probably thinking, “What in the world is Destination Addiction?” “Is it airborne?” “Another disease?!” “Have I already contracted it without knowing it?” Before...

How To Survive Finals Week

How To Survive Finals Week

Shantal Marshall, Associate Managing Editor April 28, 2016

It's the end of the year and I could practically hear summer vacation calling my name. But, there's one thing in my way: finals week. (Dun, dun, dun). With exams and papers all throughout the week, it...

Students Register To Vote Over Ice Cream Floats

Students Register To Vote Over Ice Cream Floats

Shantal Marshall, Associate Managing Editor April 26, 2016

Ice cream floats and registering to vote go hand and hand, don't they? It sure was a hit on April 14 when the Dobbs Ferry, Manhattan, and Bronx campuses hosted a Float and Vote event, in order to have...

Life After College: Am I Ready?

Life After College: Am I Ready?

Shantal Marshall, Associate Managing Editor April 22, 2016

Around this time next year, I will be graduating from college. I honestly can’t believe how quickly the four years have gone by. I’m excited to see what my future holds but I’m nervous! Often,...

Teen Pregnancy: From Shame to Success

Teen Pregnancy: From Shame to Success

Shantal Marshall and Tanasia Patterson April 18, 2016

“You will never amount to anything,” her mother yelled. “How could you be so stupid?” her father asked. “You think you are ready to be a parent, Chrissy? You think it is easy caring for...

Theyre Not All Evil

They’re Not All Evil

Shantal Marshall, Associate Managing Editor April 15, 2016

Once upon a time, I hated cats. I don't know where my strong dislike towards the four legged animal came from. Maybe it was their long whiskers or beady eyes. If I saw a cat while walking down the...

Seven Day Challenge

Seven Day Challenge

Shantal Marshall, Associate Managing Editor April 7, 2016

Besides a great outfit, clear, healthy looking skin makes me feel confident. Over the years, I’ve tried different cleansers to get rid of my acne marks. While some of them have helped, none of them gave...

My Life As A Commuter

My Life As A Commuter

Shantal Marshall, Associate Managing Editor March 20, 2016

For three days out of the week, I commute to the Dobbs Ferry campus for classes. Although I’ve traveled between campuses (Manhattan and Dobbs Ferry) for three years, only now has all the commuting taken...

Mercy College Janitors Are Honored With Special Day

Mercy College Janitors Are Honored With Special Day

Shantal Marshall, Associate Managing Editor March 18, 2016

Around the clock, the janitors at Mercy College work to keep the campus spick and span. Rotaract Manhattan recognized their hard work and decided to honor them by having a Janitor Appreciation Day. For...

PACT Mentor Gets Education By Coaching Female Inmates

PACT Mentor Gets Education By Coaching Female Inmates

Shantal Marshall, Associate Managing Editor March 17, 2016

On a warm, summer day in July, Mercy College's Runie Mensche walked on to the field to meet his new softball team. In the distance, he saw his players waiting for him. Standing side by side, they all wore...

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