The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

7 Misconceptions About Vegans

7 Misconceptions About Vegans

Kimberly Franco February 27, 2017

In the start of the New Year I deiced to take the big leap from vegetarian into vegan. However, starting this transition I have come across many misconceptions about this new way of living. So here is...

The Art Of Writing.

The Art Of Writing.

Kimberly Franco, Staff Writer February 8, 2017

People don't often associate writing with art. However, I believe writers are true artists. It takes a lot to use words properly and effectively. Often a person’s favorite author has a particular set...

Three Books That Have Changed My Life!

Three Books That Have Changed My Life!

Kimberly Franco, Staff Writer January 23, 2017

Reading can allow you to view the world in a whole new light. Over the years I have read books that have impacted my life dramatically and have helped me improve my writing and thinking. Three books that...

The Art of Procrastinating

The Art of Procrastinating

Kimberly Franco, Staff Writer December 21, 2016

A deadline can sit on your heart like a 600 pound gorilla who is pounding at its chest demanding you to get to work. But procrastination melts into your skin and seeps down into every cell. The relax frequency...

The Legend of Santa Claus

The Legend of Santa Claus

Kimberly Franco, Staff Writer December 15, 2016

The myth goes like this, a jolly man in red climbs down your chimney at night. He gobbles down the milk and cookies. He leaves you a gift, he decides if you are worthy or a lump of coal goes under the...

Great American SmokeOut Urges You To Quit!

Great American SmokeOut Urges You To Quit!

Kimberly Franco, Impact Staff December 8, 2016

It is one of those days when everything is stressing you out and everyone is annoying you. Except for that lonely cancer stick. You just need one drag and all the mess floats away, right? That orange...

Beauty Sickness

Beauty Sickness

Kimberly Franco, Staff Writer November 16, 2016

The way we see ourselves speaks volumes on how we feel. However, if beauty is in the eyes of the beholder then why do we have to live up to idealistic standards? Who decides who are the idols? When did...

5 Rules for Success

5 Rules for Success

Kimberly Franco, Staff Writer November 3, 2016

Everyone would like to be successful but how? Here are my person steps to success that I am trying to implicate to my life as much as possible. However people do fall short of what they say they are all...

Stand Up Against Domestic Violence

Kimberly Franco October 28, 2016

Love can make a person do crazy things. Someone that is in love can easily be manipulated and fooled. Love is so innocent that one can easily lose an eye and become blind. A person can believe that they’re...

Power of the Eyes

Power of the Eyes

Kimberly Franco, Staff Writer October 22, 2016

When a gorgeous face starts, then those sparking eyes start to pierce. Looking back deeply and no words have to be said. You feel an instant connection. Then see ones true beauty. Each set of eyes unique...

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