The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

The Award Winning News Publication of Mercy College

The Impact

A Glimpse Into My Life

A Glimpse Into My Life

Krystal Johnson, Impact Staff April 20, 2015

Living with depression and anxiety. For the past few months I've felt so caged in and oblivious to what was going on inside of me. It started back last year when I would experience sudden highs but...

Lesson Learned or Lesson Lived

Lesson Learned or Lesson Lived

Krystal Johnson, Staff Writer April 2, 2015

A friend recently came to me with devastating news about a hectic and complicated situation that he had gotten himself into, not trying to blah on about his personal life but in so many little words he...

Students Have Depression, And Sometimes We Dont Know Why

Students Have Depression, And Sometimes We Don’t Know Why

K Johnson March 17, 2015

Depression is a serious illness that can affect anyone and can produce into something worse if not properly treated. As college students, the stress of obtaining good grades and making it into the cool...

Why Are We So Angry ?

Why Are We So Angry ?

Krystal Johnson, Staff Writer March 1, 2015

Normally my day is thoroughly routine; I go to work, I go to school, and then I commute home and throughout this daily activity I can't help but notice the angry and rude attitudes of people, a.k.a. the...

Letting Go of the Things I Can’t Control

Letting Go of the Things I Can’t Control

Krystal Johnson, Impact Staff February 17, 2015

This past Valentine’s Day I spent the blissful, yet snowy day, in Greenwich Village at a bar my close friend bartends at. After being begged for more than a week to keep her company on Cupid’s day...

The Story of an Account Executive

The Story of an Account Executive

Krystal Johnson, Impact Staff January 27, 2015

I'd always been intrigued by sales, I'm not sure if it was due to competition or if I just had a skill for selling anything. My managers would tell me on a daily basis that I could "sell salt to a snail"....

What to Do When Meeting the Family This Holiday

What to Do When Meeting the Family This Holiday

Krystal Johnson, Impact Staff December 9, 2014

So you're meeting your boyfriend's parents this holiday and are completely clueless as to what you should do? Fear not when meeting your spouse's parents the key phrase to remember is that less is more....

Murdered Steps Behind Me

Murdered Steps Behind Me

Krystal Johnson, Impact Staff December 9, 2014

Be careful out there is the last thing I heard him say before I heard the gunshots. I woke up early June 30, preparing myself for a busy day because I had a date. I had been talking to a longtime friend...

Five Top Gifts to Buy Your Spouse This Christmas

Five Top Gifts to Buy Your Spouse This Christmas

Krystal Johnson, Impact Staff December 2, 2014

Now that we are officially stuffed and regretting all of that turkey we endured during thanksgiving we can now began looking into Christmas gifts. Sometimes purchasing gifts for a spouse can be hard, you...

What Are you Most Thankful For?

What Are you Most Thankful For?

Krystal Johnson, Impact Staff December 2, 2014

This past thanksgiving I was granted the opportunity to travel to New Jersey and enjoy the mini vacation with my family. Every year we all meet at my cousin's house and each brings a selected dish our...

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