Steven Keehner, Impact Staff
Steven Keehner was the Managing Editor of the greatest publication on the Hudson.
Hailing from the mediocre Town of Oyster Bay, New York, he enjoys going to gigs, playing his guitar, and pizza.
He dreams of not completely falling apart after his time at Mercy. Controversial social issues, unpopular indie/pop-punk/emo/hardcore/whatever-you-want-to-call-it music, and mediocre athletes are just a few of Steven’s favorite writing topics; but honestly, he’ll complain about anything.
He runs the incredible column, Tales of an American Redhead, for The Impact.
Steven can be contacted at @somewhatstevenkeehner on Instagram, @Steven_Keehner on Twitter, or [email protected]
“He’s genuinely remarkable. Easily the most intelligent and beautiful writer ever.”
-Lisa Keehner, Steven’s Mother